Grow more and Earn more !



Established Member
Dear Farmers,

We are one of the pioneering agriculture biotechnology research organisations working to increase Crops productivity and Soil fertility.

We are offering our research product "WIN-A-CROP" 100% Organic Hi-Yield Promoter.

WIN-A-CROP is a water soluble plant nutrient in powder form, to be applied by foliar spray.

WIN-A-CROP increases the yields of below Crops by 100% and more:

1. Vegetables like Tomatoes, Brinjal, Vokhra
(Bhendi), All Gourds, Cucumber, Kheera,
Gherkins etc.
2. Fruits like Mango, Gua, Sapota,
Strawberries, Apples, Pears, Lemon,
Oranges, Sweet Lime, Watermelon,
Muskmelon etc.
3. Cotton
4. Chillies
5. Coconuts
6. Tobacco
7. Onions
8. Vegetable, Fruit and Cotton Seed Crops
9. Aromatic Grass crops like Citronella,
Pamarosa, Geranium etc.
10. Fodder Grass Crops
11. Stevia like foliage Crops
12. Fruit bearing Medicinal crops like Amla etc.
13. Nursery Plants
14. Flowers like Roses, Jasmine, Marygold, chamomile, Lillys etc.

WIN-A-CROP increases the yields of below Crops by a minimum of 30% to 75% :

1. Rice (Paddy) and Basmati Rice
2. Wheat
3. Barley
4. Maize and Millets
5. Banana (Plantain)
6. Sugarcane
7. Pulses like Blackgram, Bengalgram,
Redgram, Horsegram, Soya, Lentils, Peas
8. Oilseeds like Sesame, Oilpalm, Sunflower,
Groundnut, Mustard etc.
9. Medicinal crops
10. COCOA Crops
11. Bio-fuel Crops like Jatropha,
Pongamiapinnata, Castor seeds etc.

WIN-A-CROP is a well tested and certified "Organic Yield Promoter"

We advise farmers to use low-priced WIN-A-CROP to DOUBLE your crop yields and income.

Farmers and interested fertlizer distributors can contact us at 098481-95999 or email us to

Prabhakar DKS, CEO.,
Advanced Biotech Research Projects,
WIN-A-CROP Projects (Mfg & Mktg),
# 104, Surya Prabha Paradise,
Door No: 18-1-21/14, Maharanipet,
Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P., INDIA.
Tel & Fax: +91-891-2754178,
Mobile : +91-98481-95999.
E-mail id:


interested in ur product

v r interedted in your product for banana and sugrcane. kindly cntct with price and other details.



Established Member
Kindly contact by email

v r interedted in your product for banana and sugrcane. kindly cntct with price and other details.

Dear Mr. Atul / Rajesh,

Many thanks for your kind inquiery.

Please contact us for information through email at as Agriculture info reply box cannot accommodate the matter and file attachments.

PrabKakar DKS,
Advanced Biotech Research Projects.
