Greenhouse Farming - Help - Costing - Subsidy

we have agri land in andhra border nearing tamilnadu planning to th do Greenhouse cultivation what is the subsidy available and are there any approved greenhouse manufacturers in Andhra kindly suggest

dear sir,

i m jitendra mistry we are mfg for water treatment plant for green have any water treatment req so pls contect us

thenk you,
jitendra mistry


Consultant for Hitech Floriculture & Horticulture

Horticulture and floriculture Development & Maintenance
Develop your farm with innovative ideas with all facilities you deserve w. r. t. horticulture & floriculture development & also get financial assistance from govt. agencies.

Trading of Agriculture input & output
No need to go for hunting at different sources for the agriculture & allied inputs you require & the sale output you want to market. It’s all with. Shrushti Hitech & Agriculture Development

Project-Wise research in agriculture & allied fields
Want to have idea about economics or want to submit the project report at bank in agriculture & allied fields. Just visit with your requirements.

Contour & irrigation system survey.
Establishment of projects
Establish the Horticulture land development, Turnkey Project in Poly house, Shade house, Net House processing units & provide further technical Support etc.
Erection of project on Turnkey basis from design stage up to final production.
Plantation of selected crop & support to our comprehensive Technical Assistant .

We Provide - - -

Consulting in Hitech Floriculture & Horticulture

Supply of Cut Flowers Rose , Grebera , Carnation , Pot Anthurium , and Capsicum .
Supply of All type of Plants Like - - -
Dutch Rose Plant Top Grafted & Budding (Natal Briar & Multi Root Stock)
Gerbera , Carnation, Gladiolus, Tube Rose , & Colour Capsicum

We are Import & supply Pot varieties of Anthurium , Phenolopsis ,
Dendrobium, Scherzerianum, Limonium and also supply of Gladiolus Bulb and Lilium Bulb in many varieties.

Develop & supply of Plants like Pomegranate, Grapes, Banana, Guava, Mango, Sapota, Custard Apple, Orange, Lemon , Litchi, Papaya Seed & Strawberry Plants.

Maximum Production of throughout life of plants, plants are made in cool place & imported breeder.

Supplies are also supported by our comprehensive technical assistance.

Green House & Poly House Constuction.
Turnkey project in all Green House, Poly House.

Supply of Pure Organic Neem powder or Pend & Vermi culture compost.

Micronutrients, Amino Acids, Humic Acids, Zinc Sulphate, Ferrous, Copper, Boran, Mo, Mn, Magnecium Sulphate, Calcium Nitrate.

Shrushti Hitech & Agriculture Development
Please feel free contact me if you need further information .
Thanking You !

I am jasvinder from ppunjab . I want to setup a polyhouse . I want to know all about poly house .about cost, subsidy,loan and also want to know which is profitable flower or vegetable cultivation.

pl, give me information about lone and susidies provide on green house installation in my farm by goverment of india & thane,maharashtra.

I hope halpfull to me.

sainath thakur

I am a buyer for exotic vegetables and fruits.I even buy frozen green peas and sweet corn.Fresh baby corn ,colored capsicum , cherry tomato ,red cabbage ,Broccoli , Iceberg.Farmers and suppliers can contact me by mail or by cell phone.
9657712575 or

Hi ,this is amarjit from odisha,want to start my floriculture business,can any body point out the subsidy given by our state odisha govt for setting up the greenhouse it will be great help,want to grow this culture in our state..

My email id

hi there, i m looking to built green house project in my farm near rajkot and looking for real details about that, can anyone help me regarding this.

dist. : rajkot
tal. kuvadva
area : 4 acre(total)
my cell no is 9825237281
email id :

Green house farming of capsicum..

Respected sir,

Here i want to Start my own green house project for color capsicum. That's why i want to know how the central govt. as well as stat govt. help us in this project. And i want to grow capsicum for export then how can i get link for export market. And what is the procedure for export. Kindly give me above information.

Thank you

hi sir,

here some information about greenhouse construction, advantages and how to cultivate capsicum in greenhouse. the complete details about greenhouse farming..
if you like to see it go to this page.. Growing Colored Capsicum in Greenhouse. | Farming Quest

this is my website iam preparing a website for share information to the farmers and get them upto date. so see it and quote ur valuable suggestions and ask questions in the comments..


---------------------------------------------ATTENTION GREENHOUSE CONSULTANTS KARNATAKA ------------------------------------------

My name is Yogesh, Engineer by profession I am planning to immediately start Green House/ Poly House in 1 Hector (2.5 acre) land located in North of Bangalore. I have done lot of research on the Green-House and Initially I am planning to grow Colored Capsicum.
I need Green House/Poly Consultants with GREAT reputation and best in industry standards. (brokers please stay away)

Please call me or email me which ever is easy for you 9880007825 /

Best Regards
Yogesh Shivanna
Last edited:

Green House Consultants
We want to setup Green House in our agriculture land where are currently growing vegetables near Kolar, Karnataka. We are looking for someone who can help in entire process from bank loan - material supply - subsidy, etc. Kindly let us know if you can provide these services.

Please email me


I am Muthu Kumar, Horticulture graduate, working in the Landscape industry in middle east and singapore for the last 13 years. But, my passion has always been hi-tech farming. Now i am planning to quit my job and return back to India with this motivation. I like to purchase a farm land near Trichy/Pudukkottai

I am interested in protected cultivation(flowers or vegetables under Poly house) and would like to set up a poly house in my farm (initially with 1 acre land). Please advise me on the NHB subsidy available for this project .

Also, I need suggestion on trusted consultancy/consultant (anywhere in Tamil Nadu) who would help me from the scratch until cultivation - helping with construction, subsidy, project reports, bank loans, etc.


Muthu Kumar (

I want to establish green house cultivation in 2acers in karimnar it was 145kms from Hyderabad.plz give the detailed project report and subsidy details.

Reg : Greenhouse

Resp sir,

My name is Mr.Denisan Patel, and i have came across your query regarding greenhouse.
I am really happy by knowing that you have keen interest in greenhouse farming.

Advantages of Greenhouse:
1. It provides optimum condition for your plants.
2. Saves grocery expenses.
3. Protection of plants by heavy rainfalls, drought, and other environmental harsh conditions.
4. No season gardening (Crops can be grown throughout the year).
5. Pests and diseases can be controlled easily
6. Labor requirement is less.

Govt. of Gujarat (50%) and Govt. of India (25%) both provides subsidies for the greenhouse construction.
Greenhouse construction cost around 9-10 lacks per 1000 sq m. and for that you will get 50% subsidy according to the project proposal filed.
Market for the product can be found very easily as the quality of the product is exportable.
Flowers and other vegetables can be exported to the other countries and get a good income from there.
Your capital cost can be recovered in 1-2 year only (depends on the plant and prize).
Govt. of Gujarat permit maximum of 4000 sq m greenhouse per farmer.
loan and other facilities can be provided from the other organization also on their respective interest rates.

If you need more information regarding this and want to build a greenhouse on your farm you can mail me on my E-mail ID.

Thank you,

Denisan Patel.

My name is Srinivas, Engineer by profession I am planning to immediately start Green House in 1 acre land located in Sambara ,VIzianagaram (Dist),Andhrapradesh. I have done lot of research on the Green-House and Initially I am planning to grow any vegetables.
I need Green House Consultants with GREAT reputation and best in industry standards. (brokers please stay away)

Please call me or email me which ever is easy for you 9789989204 /

Best Regards
