grass for cow



Please contact dairy science department or even the dairy officer at the Krishi VIgyan Kendra will guide you



Can any one tell the place frm wher we can get grass for cows near mysore


If you are looking for grass for purchase, then you can go and talk to someone on the outskirts of Mysore, on Mysore-Oooty Road or on Mysore Bangalore Road. There are plenty of people growing fodder grass there.

For seed material, please follow what Ashwini has said.


Dear all ,

why our farmers are not interested in take up the green gross growing is realy a good income to them..if any interested farmeres to grow and supply green fodder of 1 ton / day or on tracter load basis to arasikere -tq hassan dq, we are very much interested. can communicate through private message with details...
thanks and regards,



If you are looking for grass for purchase, then you can go and talk to someone on the outskirts of Mysore, on Mysore-Oooty Road or on Mysore Bangalore Road. There are plenty of people growing fodder grass there.

For seed material, please follow what Ashwini has said.

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Excess subabul is not recomended


Those who decide to feed their animals subabul be it dairy or goat and or any other animals, subabul once taken down is advised not to feed immediately and to feed after min of 15-20 mins in which the mositure evaporation happen which removes partial mimosine which is a toxic amino acid. also excessive feeding of subabul of more than 0.14% of body intake is not advisable, excessive feeding of subabul can show the following problems, weight loss, excess saliva, loss of hair, eroded gums (which will reflect in animal eating less due to the defect) it can also result in reproductive efficiency.

This information is not some download from the net, this is research done at our animal husbandry fodder project in coloboration with other major dairy producing countries.

