govt. grants & subsidy



New Member
Hello everyone,
Contact For Central & State Incentives, Grants, Subsidies On Horticulture, Agriculture Animal Husbandry, National Horticulture Board, Nabard, Medicinal Board, (NHM) national horticulture mission Etc. Complete Consultancy From Project Preparation, Bank Loan And Subsidy Release Available.
Interested people plz contact
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we have 50 acres land and planning to put up mango garden...near give complete details for grants and subsidies for mango gardens...vijay kumar

I need your co operation

Sir, i am a. Narayana sankar from pondicherry and i have 15 acres of culitivation land and now i am culitivating spirulina in 10 ponds in my land. Can i get your help to extend my ponds by getting loans ans subsidies
u can call me or mail me...
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Dear Mr.Vijay Kumar,

We can guide you for preparing the Detailed project Report ,for getting loans from Bank,for developing the Mango farm,for availing the subsidy from our Government & for marketing the produce.

Chintamani Consultancy and Services is an Agricultural Project Consultation firm based at Pune.From year 2006 we are providing consultation to farmers / promoters for developing Orchards (of Grapes, Mango, Orange, Sweet lime, Lemon, Papaya, Pomegranate, Banana, Guava, Aonla, Strawberry & Sapota) & Hi-tech Floriculture Projects ( of Rose, Carnation , Gerbera & Lillium).

We offer following Services-

o Guidance for land selection
o Project Identification
o Concept Development
o Project Pre feasibility study
o Co-ordination with suppliers
o Preparation of Detailed Project Report
o Training for field staff
o Technical consultancy and guidance
o Providing complete guidance for participating in Government
Subsidy Schemes
o Guidance for marketing of produce.

You can contact us on 09890919631 or


Atul R.Patwardhan
Chintamani Consultancy and Services,
Chintamani,Patwardhan Baug,
21/22 Eraandawane,Pune 411004,MAH

need your contact details

Hello everyone,
Contact For Central & State Incentives, Grants, Subsidies On Horticulture, Agriculture Animal Husbandry, National Horticulture Board, Nabard, Medicinal Board, (NHM) national horticulture mission Etc. Complete Consultancy From Project Preparation, Bank Loan And Subsidy Release Available.
Interested people plz contact

I am interested to know the details of agriculture subsidies and the help
given for goat farming and its subsidies and also the area required for
goat farm in and around Sholapur ( maharashtra ).

need to contact you for details .

I am interested to know the details of agriculture subsidies and the help
given for goat farming and its subsidies and also the area required for
goat farm in and around Sholapur ( maharashtra ).

Please contact and give details on mail.....
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Would appreciate to hear from hyou with your contact information.

Our farm is located in sohna, haryana. This is around 60 km. From delhi.

Looking forward.


Manish koshal

Application For Loan

Dear Sir

Iwish to avail govt loan for Dairy farm with 100 cows with automation for milking system.

The project cost is around 90 lakhs.
Location 40 km from Pune
Land Available 2 acers.
But i dont have IT Returns as i was working abroad for last2 years.
Is it possible to get thisloan.
Please reply.....

Uday Malode
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Hello everyone,
Contact For Central & State Incentives, Grants, Subsidies On Horticulture, Agriculture Animal Husbandry, National Horticulture Board, Nabard, Medicinal Board, (NHM) national horticulture mission Etc. Complete Consultancy From Project Preparation, Bank Loan And Subsidy Release Available.
Interested people plz contact

I am interested to know the details of agriculture subsidies and the help
given for goat farming and its subsidies and also the area required for
goat farm.
Please contact......
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Hello everyone,
Contact For Central & State Incentives, Grants, Subsidies On Horticulture, Agriculture Animal Husbandry, National Horticulture Board, Nabard, Medicinal Board, (NHM) national horticulture mission Etc. Complete Consultancy From Project Preparation, Bank Loan And Subsidy Release Available.
Interested people plz contact

In which states can you give your services?
Please do contact us asap

Hello Narayanasankar

Sir, i am a. Narayana sankar from pondicherry and i have 15 acres of culitivation land and now i am culitivating spirulina in 10 ponds in my land. Can i get your help to extend my ponds by getting loans ans subsidies
u can call me or mail me...

Hello Narayana Sankar..
Can i get your contact details...or mobile number to contact you for ...some info....

Bank loan with subsidy and grants

Please let me know in connection with state and Central govts loan with grants and subsidy. I am from Kerala State, Kollam District.

Bank Loan & Subsidy for EMU & GOAT Farming

Please help how can i avail loan and subsidy for EMU & GOAT farming.
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Project Report & Loan required

I have 7.5 acres of land in lease contact for 21 years and I want to established EMU farm on 4.5 acres with hatchery, slaughter & processing unit and Spirulina cultivation on 3 acres.

Please contact me for consultancy about Project Preparation, Bank Loan and Subsidy Release.


Hello everyone,
Contact For Central & State Incentives, Grants, Subsidies On Horticulture, Agriculture Animal Husbandry, National Horticulture Board, Nabard, Medicinal Board, (NHM) national horticulture mission Etc. Complete Consultancy From Project Preparation, Bank Loan And Subsidy Release Available.
Interested people plz contact
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guide me for seeds farm and ware house

I wants to start new seeds farm. Pleas guide me. and avai subsidy by gov.
I need infomation about ware house also plz guide me for these two project...

loans and grants

I would like to know about loan on goat farming and need DPR for submitting to the NABARD. I am a native of Kerala State and residing in Kollam District. Please ontact. Thank you.
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