goat Sheep from rajasthan

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New Member

I am working on a rural project of getting the goat sheep keepers in rajasthan under one roof and sell their produce directly to slaughter houses and others if required.

if anyone be interested in this project through investment, marketing or just volunteer please.



Well-Known Member

Its a good idea, please do approach the goat n sheep rearers personally and help them out.



Established Member
Sheep and goat farm


I am working on a rural project of getting the goat sheep keepers in rajasthan under one roof and sell their produce directly to slaughter houses and others if required.

if anyone be interested in this project through investment, marketing or just volunteer please.

Dear Sheena,

We can help you in marketing of sheep and goat in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Please let us know your interest.

Sampada Farms & Consultants


Established Member

Thanks for your information.
My service organisation called Best Foundation can do marketing to the farmers in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu. Please contact me with further details.
With a word appreciation for all the good works you do.
Philip Benis
Best Foundation, 62, Villianur Road, Mulakulam, Pondicherry-605010. 0413 2290142, 9443438532, 9442038845 bestfoundationg@gmail.com www.bestfoundation.in


Senior Member

I am working on a rural project of getting the goat sheep keepers in rajasthan under one roof and sell their produce directly to slaughter houses and others if required.

if anyone be interested in this project through investment, marketing or just volunteer please.

Dear Sheena ,

Greetings from GGDFCS (Rajasthan / MP / UP) Consultancy Services ..

Plz contact us for your Infrastructure development and we are working with DFID , CEE ,IFFDC , GVT , PRADAN , World Vision , CEDMAP , Goat Meat Export and Commercial Goatry Projects in India . We are the Techno - Professionals of Livestock Development sector .. Please contact me through Agric. Inform'n Private Messages .

With best wishes ,
Dr. Sarkar

goat farming in haryana

hi i want to start goat farm in haryana , i have got full information regarding breeds, housing, feeding and management. but could not find any information about the prospective buyers. so could you please help me out in this regard.

is their any specific market to sell them off. or are they being sold out through the agents , please provide me information about this




Senior Member
Goat farming

Goats can be sold in lots from the Owner’ farm to the new farmers or to the local butchers or meat processing plants or to Government agencies or in Weekly temple fair for scarifies or in livestock fairs, periodical markets and daily markets where ever the owner find more profit, stability and less effort.
Each goat is assessed individually by the buyer’s and the factors affecting the price are percentage of meat, milk yield, breed, age, sex, quality, locality and season. The Govt. of India has established marketing cells in the Third Five-Year Plan in various states to regulate the existing markets and organize co-operative markets to facilitate marketing of products, to make market surveys, to collect and disseminate market news, and to advise better marketing methods and adoption of grading procedures.


New Member
goat sheep in rajasthan

hi and thankyou all for your messages

i have a querry .....the sale purchase of goat and sheep is done by the buyers sellers mostly middlemen and butchers by physically touching them and estimating on meat recovery from their weight.

There is no weighing scale ....accept in export oriented slaughter houses.

i would want my farmers sell by weighing their produce ...but i am still not able to establish a way...please advice

Travelling of animals to TN AP and karnatka is long way ...is it possible i send carcass fresh chilled from modern abbatoir ...please let me know

else the transportation i have to look into still...



Senior Member
Goat & Sheep

Throughout out india sheep/ goats are sold either by weight or piece by piece.
it will be useful for both the parties if the business is through price /kg and should be empyty stomach so that actual weight can be none.
But Sheena take care when you are purchasing from the animals from the local farmers. most of them in india put 3 to 4 liters of water with hose in to mouth of the animal so that it looks good and weight will also be more and it will effect 500- 600 Rs on each animal.
what i think business should be fair & trustworthy.
one of the draw back with indian market is that they want to do fraud or give bad product to the customers in agreed price. this should be abolished in order to grow in live stock market.


New Member
Dear Dr. Sarkar

thankyou for your message .

Will you please send me the details of your work on my email or provide me with your email address.

In particular for Rajasthan.

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I am working on a rural project of getting the goat sheep keepers in rajasthan under one roof and sell their produce directly to slaughter houses and others if required.

if anyone be interested in this project through investment, marketing or just volunteer please.

pls send us the contact no. or email address to my email address
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goat farming sale enqury

hi we are from haryana

do you provide the selling services of goat in haryana
please provide me your email address and contact no


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