Goat Farming New Concept

Indian Goat Farm

Its really great that few of person join this community as a goat farmer and now they are member of Indian Goat Farm. For new concept we need only 10 person from all over India.

Goat farming

Dear Sir,
Iam intrested in Goat Farming and wants to set up a farm, and I have some land in kerala. Can you please suggest me how and where to start. I just want the details about this project because I am unaware about goat farming.
Please contact...
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About Goat Farm

Dear Sir,

I am interested in starting a goat farm...and am new to this..So any info based on this will be of great help...Thanks

Hello Members and Users,

A new concept is launching for goat breaders and lover or say goat farming business seeakers. Please Post Your Requirement in IndianGoatFarm.com requirement section to know more about this Project. Or send us a mail on Indian Goat Farm
Business Highlights.
1. Are you interested in Goat Farming Business
2. Facing a Land Problem.
3. Labor Problem.
4. Lack of experiance in goatery business.
5. Want to Keep Goats.

and many more points to discuss, please write us with you full contact details indiangoatfarm will help you shorting out your problem in goatery business.

Send Private Message with all details to know more about concept.

We Have Following Plans.
1. IGF Initial.
2. IGF Success.
3. IGF Super Success.
4. IGF Commercial.
5. IGF Goatery

India Goat Farming

To see more information on goat farming business please visit our website indiangoatfarm and find all the details regarding goat farming

goat farming

Sir, I would like have full details about goat farming like requirement of lands
labour requirement with investment details.
Nataraj ap

dear sir ,

we wish to start commercial sheep /goat brreding with 100 heads in south sudan africa.we have huge land and ample water grass.
we would also need your help in setting up the complete farm .kindly send us all details asap.. Please contact....

thanks /regards
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Dear friend,
I am Sivaramakrishnan, working in a private company at chennai. I am planning to start business. I am interested in Goat farming. I am a beginner and new to business. Can you please send me details about Goat farm. Details like (for Medium size farm)....

Land: How much land require?
Who will advice about the animal?
Medical help?
Is there any short term course?
For tamil nadu weather which kind of goat is good?

Please help me


Sir please tell about the new concept

SIR, I am planing to start a goat farm so please tell me the new concept of goat farming
