Goat Farm Solutions


I have cleared my msg box and you can send further details.

1) Noted that it is better to go for 1 breed.
Where do i get osmanabadi and why it is recommended?
Is it because of growth rate?

2) Pls advise the best variety of green fodder suitable for stall fed goats.

3) Are Both Does and buck should be 1 yr old minimum?

Kindly clarify.

Thanks & Best regards

first of all clear your mesg box,so i send u more details.
1.It is advisable to choose only 1 breed as per your local market,so that u can concentrate more on 1breed only.
Think of osmanabadi breed does and bucks.
2.For 10goats u requires 30kg of green fodder daily that includes grass,vegetables,or leaves of babul trees etc.And 5 kg of dry fodder daily that includes maize,wheat,pulp of grains etc.
3.Go for does not for kids initially.Does must be of 1yr old minumum and not more than 5yr old.

Ya NABARD projects are presently closed due to budget.They will open in may or june.
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Dear ashivan,
1.in 1 acre of land u can keep 500goats and their kids in shed.
2.U can get maximum of 6lakh loan on the basis of security of your land.Also it depends on the relationship between you and bank.Better to take loan Under NABARD project as there is subsidy of 33%-50% on loan amount.Subsidy is variable in different states.
3.Any nationalised bank provides u loan.And some corporate banks too.
Documents are-farm land documents,mortgage of land,residence proof from gramsevak,election card,project report,2 passport size photos,no dues certificate from society of village to which farm land belongs,2 guaranters with their adress proofs.
4.Market for goats is increasing day by day as meat requirement is increasing.Yes ofcoz u can tie up with any company for export of meat.Main importing countries of goat meat are saudi arabia,kuwait and dubai.
5.If u want to start stall feed than 1acre area is enough to construct shed for 300goats.
Clear ur message box for more details.
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Details of stating sheep/goat farm

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost. I can help u in following points: *Government schemes for goat farms *Government subsidy *loan obtained for goat farm said:
Dear sir,
We have 8 acres of land in shikaripura, in that land we want to stat sheep/goat form in 2 acres. Please inform where i apply for loan how much loan i get it from bank, what r the documents required.

Expecting ur early favourable reply

Thanking u
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Dear Yashasdbh
for goat farming u can get loan from any nationalised bank under NABARD project.
first of all visit your districts/talukas animal husbandry department.They will tell u when the NABARD scheme of goat farming will start.After that submit the require documents of the project.If documents are cleared they will give you a sanction letter of your loan.Take these documents to your bank.If bank agress to give u loan on the basis of security(mortgage of farm land) they will sanction you the loan.So sanctioning of loan is totaly dependent on your bank.So before making project file first visit your bank whether they will sanction u loan or not under NABARD Scheme.
Here In NABARD scheme u will get 25%-50% subsidy on loan amount.
U can get loan from any nationalised bank and some corporate bank.
For documents chect my above post of 'Goats'.

Sir,I appreciate your contribution to the socirty, I have a farm in Hyderabad I need yout help for the same, I need the information for the above list you have posted in your thread,I will be obliged if you can provide tha same,regards,Ravi
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Dear ravi,
Read all my posts in this thread.You will get all your answers.If any point remaining,tell me i will answer that.

I am from hyderabad and I want to start a goat farm of a capacity of 100-150 nos.I want to know the cost of the lambs,how much feed to be given per day,how many acres of feed to be grown,what is the best variety of feed to be grown through out the year,what will be cost of the insurance,in how many months will the goats achieve a desired weight of about 30 kgs,whether you can provide training/guidance

Dear sansuk77,
the cost of lambs depends on the type of breed and weight.It varies from place to place.
Per day each goat requires feed 4%-6% of body weights.
the best variety of fodder is napier,lucerene,co3 and co4.For 100 goats 2-3 acre of land is enough if these foddes were cultivated.
Cost of insurance is 150rs for 10,000rs goat if u take that from govt.
In 9 months goats (bucks) can achieve desirable weight.
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Dear Experts,

I am looking for land 4 to 5 acres for Farming need..Specially for Goat farming.

I came across 4 acres of land for sale near to my hometown and there are some questions before to decide to buy that land.

That land is like Waste land, No hortclutire or any crops have not grown up before. Can we buy that land for the green fooder making purpose for the Goats(Like KO-4..etc..).

If we buy that land, Do we need to do any prepartion with natural fertilizers for some time before making green fooder or This will not at all worth for making green fooder.

Ground water level we get 100 to 150 feet while enquired with the near by land owners.. I have no idea about the land soil.

Please let me know your comments.

thanks for guiding us sir..............................

Hello Agrireturns,
ya its must to have an record of your goat farm.Even small goat farms requires that and yours is commercial.So it must.

Following are the points to cover.
*first of all give each unit a separate name like A,B,C or A1,A2,A3 etc and keep each stalls record separately.

*Tag each an every goat,according to insurance.So this should be mention in your software

*vaccination record of each unit(A,B,C)
*disease record from which goats have suffered

*pregnant goats record( number of goats which are pregnant in each unit)

*kids record(note the entry of kids after birth given by each goat)

*fodder intake of each unit
*cleaning period of stall
*death of kids and goats of each unit
*number of kids taken out of stall for sell from each unit
*price entry of kids sold
*price entry of goats purchased
*short summary at top of homepage showing total number of kids,goats of all units
*type of breed
*salary paid to workers

and many more points,that will suggest u the software developer.
After developing software,dont forget to have a security of SSL so that it shouldnt be hacked by any one.
For software development u can contact infosys,abhishek infotech,acresscent,worldwide infosoft,hazel infotech,akon services etc from pune.And they will provide u at cheaper rates,coz there is a lot of competition among them to sell there softwares.


Goat farm

Dear prem_jana,
as u said that land is waste land and no crops were raised before,then how u expect that fodder will grow in such land.The goat fodder like co3,co4,lucerne requires fertile land,and their production is high under standard fertilizers.If u buy that land first u have to make it fertile by adding extra soil on farm land and heavy fertilizers.This will increase u r budget.So better to buy other land.

Also think of water level,coz for growing fodder u need water 12months and u r totaly dependent on fodder for feeding goat.Also goats requires fresh water to drink everday to prevent them with any contagious disease.So u requires plenty of water.

Dear ramisery,
U r most welcome.
I m always there to guide the people who are interested in goat farm.Serving mankind is like serving GOD.

Please let us know the budget required to commence 300 No Female plus Male goats including annual expense till selling commences.
This includes the cost of initial young Goats brought in for rearing.
We Have sufficient land for Fodder with plenty of water. We have a green house structure of 30 X 100 Feet. Can this be converted for different compartments of sheds?
Is a Bank loan a must to avail subsidy? Whats the limit for subsidy. Can we have two projects in same place in two names to avail more subsidies?
Reply awaited.

Costing profile for 300 female is appreciated perticularly the working Capitaal and investments for one year



Goat Farm solutions OSMANABADI

The cost of goats depends on the breeds u buy.Presently the cost is on live weight of goat and its varies from breed to breed.(200rs to 400rs per kg)
The cost of male goats(bucks) is higher than that of female goats(does).
The average cost of 1goat per month is rs300(inclusive of fodder,shelter,labour,vaccination).However the cost per month depends on how u manage them.
Green house structure can be converted into sheds but only in summer and winter season.So in rainy season u must have proper roof sheds.
Remember,first u must have to agree your bank to avail u loan.Loan is only provided by the bank and not by the goverment.AND THIS IS THE TRUTH.That u must know.
After bank sanctions your loan ,then only government NABARD sanctions your subsidy(15%-50%,depending on caste and farm land).If bank does not sanctiond your loan u will not avail any subsidy,for commercial goat farming.
For small farmers there is 10+1 scheme(10female+1male goat) and it doesnt requires any bank.The government(animal husbandry)provides u the insured goats and not the money directly.
Yes u can have 2 projects in same place,but for security of bank u need 2 different farm lands.

Goat farm solutons

Dear sir,
Please send me details about govt schemes and subsidy for goat farm and also required documents for geating lona from banks to start goat farm with min 100 goats.
Thanks & Regards,
Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.
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Black Bengal Goat

Dear Sir,

I am specifically intrested in black bengal goat . Any information on this will be helpful.

Any information suppliers of pure breed of black bengal goats ?

Can they sustain in south india ?

