Goat Farm Solutions



Well-Known Member
Here you can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer you the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.Post your queries on forum only.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only,and you will get your reply here,very soon.

International Goat Farm Expert
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Goat farming

Many thanks for your efforts to spread awareness on Goat Farming - we appreciate your efforts. We were on the lookout to start a goat farm along with a Country Chicken farm, we are troubled with a few questions which are listed below

(1) how profitable is Goat farming
(2) What amount of profit (after all expenses) can we derieve from a goat
(3) How long will it take for a goat to be marketed
(4) How to market the same
(5) what is the price of a kid (baby goat) and what is the price at which it can be sold

Sorry to trouble you with many questions - we are just amateurs in this field and are trying to collect maximum information before we start the farm

Once again thaks a lot for your help on this

Kind Regards

1.Presently goat farm is very profitable in any part of our country,if its managed well.

2.U can get double your amount of your investment,at the end of the year excluding expenditures.

3.It takes atleast 6 months for a goat to be marketed,also on the type of breed.

4.For marketing u should have contacts in u r local area market,coz small goat farms are dependent on local markets.Dont sell the goats to the agents,they will take away lot of profit which u would receive.Marketing is not a problem at all.Once u have started goat farm u will automatically receives the order,as it has a high demanad in any part of country.

5.Price of kid cant be calculated properly.As the main marketing products are does(female goat) and bucks(male goats).So to yield maximum profit u have to sell does and bucks of alteast 6months old.Price also depends on your area.
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Hello Agrireturns,
ya its must to have an record of your goat farm.Even small goat farms requires that and yours is commercial.So it must.

Following are the points to cover.
*first of all give each unit a separate name like A,B,C or A1,A2,A3 etc and keep each stalls record separately.

*Tag each an every goat,according to insurance.So this should be mention in your software

*vaccination record of each unit(A,B,C)
*disease record from which goats have suffered

*pregnant goats record( number of goats which are pregnant in each unit)

*kids record(note the entry of kids after birth given by each goat)

*fodder intake of each unit
*cleaning period of stall
*death of kids and goats of each unit
*number of kids taken out of stall for sell from each unit
*price entry of kids sold
*price entry of goats purchased
*short summary at top of homepage showing total number of kids,goats of all units
*type of breed
*salary paid to workers

and many more points,that will suggest u the software developer.
After developing software,dont forget to have a security of SSL so that it shouldnt be hacked by any one.
For software development u can contact infosys,abhishek infotech,acresscent,worldwide infosoft,hazel infotech,akon services etc from pune.And they will provide u at cheaper rates,coz there is a lot of competition among them to sell there softwares.

Goat Farming-Essential tips to set up a Goat House( in short).
Some people that are in goat farming business do not provide shelters for their goats.
They let them find shelter in cedar thickets, under rock ledges or any other suitable shelter which the goats come across.
But your goats will do better for your goat farming and require less feed if they have shelter from rain, wind, and cold in winter.
Making your goat a proper house means that it should alter or modify the environment for the benefit of your goat and also protect them from predation and theft which will always be beneficial for your goat farming business.
Your goat house should buffer your goats from climate extremes to reduce stress allowing optimal performance in terms of growth, health and reproduction.
It’s enough if the goats are provided with a:
• dry,
• comfortable,
• safe and secure place,
• free from worms,
• affording protection from excessive heat and cold
• adequate space for movement
• Separate compartments for kids and pregnant mothers
• inclement weather.
It is worthwhile to design a cheap house for goats which may result in increased milk and meat production for your goat farming business.More details of it are posted in my project report,click here to know more about it.
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want to start a sheep/ goat and cattle forming

sir myself benny from shimoga. i have 4 hecrot of dry land so i am very much intrested in sheep/goat and cattle forming. so i need a training. so can you help me to get details and training.
thanking you sir

goat farming

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

it is not possible to get a bank loan without collateral security.U can get it if you are a government servant on the basis of payment slip.
Businessmen can also get bank loan.But they must have ITR slip of 20lakh for 10lakh loan.
For goat farm nabard provides u maximum of 5lakh loan with 50% subsidy but on the basis of security farm.And security of farm is must in this scheme as this scheme is applicable for farmers only.

Detail procedure how nabard provides u loan.

First u have to prepare a file completing all the documents(Goat Farm Project Report) that this schemes needed.
Then u have to approach any nationalised bank for loan sanction say about 5lakh.
For 5 lakh loan 10% is deposited by u in bank,40%by bank and 50% by nabard.
But the bank here keeps the security of farm which on mortgage should be of minimum 5lakh.
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I am Anand from Tirupur, Tamilnadu.
Can you send me all details as follows

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

Thanks in advance.

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Goat Farming

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

I am Anand from Tirupur, Tamilnadu.
Can you send me all details as follows

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

Thanks in advance.

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Hi anand,i will post answers here only.

1.Only 1scheme presently and that of NABARB for farmers only.
2.50% subsidy.But to avail it u have to pay all emi in time.N also check my above post
3.Documents-farm land documents,t.c,election card,nationality,nationality from gramsevak,no dues certificate from society of your farm land,2passport size photos.
4.National bank provides u loan
5.Vaccinations cant be told like this as they are many.It depends on disease
6.For fodder check my thread of "goat farm" in sale section.
7.Best variety are osmanabadi,jamnapari and sirohi.

Trail project - Stall fed goat farm


I would like to go for a trail project with 10-15 does and 1 buck. I have 10 acres of land with good water source and i would like to clarify the following.
My land is in coimbatore dist, near pollachi.

1) Is it advisible to choose 3 different breeds (3 nos. of sirohi, 3 nos. of Boer,3 nos. of jamunapari and 3 nos. of mallapari) ? If yes what breed of buck should i buy?

2) Area required for fodder and type of fodder.

3) How old are the does shoule be when we buy it? Or should we have to go for kids initially. Pls clarify.

I approached NABARD to go for big project but they said it is not applicable for coimbatore dist. during this financial year. I have been asked to contact them during april.

Hence i would like to know results from this trail project before going for the big project.

Kindly advise your suggestions.

Thanks & Best regards

Trail project - Stall fed goat farm


I would like to go for a trail project with 10-15 does and 1 buck. I have 10 acres of land with good water source and i would like to clarify the following.
My land is in coimbatore dist, near pollachi.

1) Is it advisible to choose 3 different breeds (3 nos. of sirohi, 3 nos. of Boer,3 nos. of jamunapari and 3 nos. of mallapari) ? If yes what breed of buck should i buy?

2) Area required for fodder and type of fodder.

3) How old are the does shoule be when we buy it? Or should we have to go for kids initially. Pls clarify.

I approached NABARD to go for big project but they said it is not applicable for coimbatore dist. during this financial year. I have been asked to contact them during april.

Hence i would like to know results from this trail project before going for the big project.

Kindly advise your suggestions.

Thanks & Best regards

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

Hi shan0404
first of all clear your mesg box,so i send u more details.
1.It is advisable to choose only 1 breed as per your local market,so that u can concentrate more on 1breed only.
Think of osmanabadi breed does and bucks.
2.For 10goats u requires 30kg of green fodder daily that includes grass,vegetables,or leaves of babul trees etc.And 5 kg of dry fodder daily that includes maize,wheat,pulp of grains etc.
3.Go for does not for kids initially.Does must be of 1yr old minumum and not more than 5yr old.

Ya NABARD projects are presently closed due to budget.They will open in may or june.

it is not possible to get a bank loan without collateral security.U can get it if you are a government servant on the basis of payment slip.
Businessmen can also get bank loan.But they must have ITR slip of 20lakh for 10lakh loan.
For goat farm nabard provides u maximum of 5lakh loan with 50% subsidy but on the basis of security farm.And security of farm is must in this scheme as this scheme is applicable for farmers only.

Detail procedure how nabard provides u loan.

First u have to prepare a file completing all the documents that this schemes needed.
Then u have to approach any nationalised bank for loan sanction say about 5lakh.
For 5 lakh loan 10% is deposited by u in bank,40%by bank and 50% by nabard.
But the bank here keeps the security of farm which on mortgage should be of minimum 5lakh.

We are planning to establish goat farm in hyderabad my question is
1. in 1 acres of land how many goat we can keep . we want to take land on lease for fodder cultivation but in 1 acres we want construct shed.
2.suppose market value of land is 10 lac then how much loan we can avail max.
3. which bank provide loan and document required for availing loan.
4.what are the market of goat. can we tied up with some export firms for regular order.
5.we want start with 300 goat then how many acres require for construction of shed.

Kindly give reply soon as possiable
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I have cleared my msg box and you can send further details.

1) Noted that it is better to go for 1 breed.
Where do i get osmanabadi and why it is recommended?
Is it because of growth rate?

2) Pls advise the best variety of green fodder suitable for stall fed goats.

3) Are Both Does and buck should be 1 yr old minimum?

Kindly clarify.

Thanks & Best regards

Hi shan0404
first of all clear your mesg box,so i send u more details.
1.It is advisable to choose only 1 breed as per your local market,so that u can concentrate more on 1breed only.
Think of osmanabadi breed does and bucks.
2.For 10goats u requires 30kg of green fodder daily that includes grass,vegetables,or leaves of babul trees etc.And 5 kg of dry fodder daily that includes maize,wheat,pulp of grains etc.
3.Go for does not for kids initially.Does must be of 1yr old minumum and not more than 5yr old.

Ya NABARD projects are presently closed due to budget.They will open in may or june.
