Getting rid of female mustache



New Member
My entire life, I hated having those light hairs right above my upper lip. I was extremely conscious about it and always felt like people were staring at my "mustache" every time I spoke to someone or even looked at anyone directly.

I made a huge mistake as a kid by trying to shave it off like how my dad use to, but it obviously came back darker and thicker. It was a mess.

I then used to wax it off religiously, but I hated having to wait for them to grow long enough for me to wax them again. I would prefer for them to not come out at all.

If I can recommend any girl one thing, it is LASER HAIR REMOVAL. I was EXTREMELY happy to find a solution that would permanently remove my unwanted hair. I did extensive research on it (I found most of my information here ). I would whole-heartedly recommend anyone who had the same issue as me to go do some research on laser hair removal! I got rid of the annoying mustache after 5 treatments :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask :p


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