G9 TC banana



Active Member
Please advice me if I cam plant banana in the month of July or August in our field. Will the rainy season make harm for G9?

Hello sir
Banana is water loving plant it demand lot of water for cultivation but generally heavy rain can damage any crop but banana start bearing fruits 16 months after planting target festival and plant banana sapplings June is right month to plant but in Heay rain fall area post pone to sept-oct or prepone to march april by ensuring irrigation.

Thank you very much for your suggestion.
As per you banana bears fruits after 16 months. But I heard that for G9 it is 10 months.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

Dear Kirti,

Thank you for your advice.

I am a farmer in Mayurbanj Dist, Odisha.

I have planted G9 banana at 2 acres land for 2 moths. I want to plant in 1 acre land more in July.

Initially during plantation, I have applied 100gm DAP, 50gm Potas, 10 kg FYM, 20gm Carbofuron and 250 gm Neem cake per plant. I have also provided drip irrigation.

So far I have not seen any growth of these plants. Now I have applied 70 gm Urea and 50gm DAP per plant.

I want to know from you about the fertilizer, micro-nutrient, pesticide, insecticide schedule for the banana.

I will be grateful if you provide me the information.


hello Sir
Fertilizer application depends upon fertility of the soil. It is advisable to apply fertilizer as per soil test data. The general recommendation of 180 : 180 : 270 g of NPK / plant, in 8 split doses.
1st day, 30th day and thereafter 30days interval till the 210th day.

Earthing up should be done 90 to 110 days after planting after the application of neem cake and FYM

Apply 400gms of Neem cake along with the pit mixture before planting.

Spray Panchakavya or Neem oil in the 2nd and 3rd month of the crop stage to avoid the pest and disease incidences.

Dear Kirti,

Thanks for your valuable info.
Please let me know how much Panchakavya or Neem oil to be applied at 2nd and 3rd month?
Also how much neem cake and FYM to be applied at 90 days and 120 days?

