Funds and Maintenance Service for 1-20 MW Projects Available for Land Owners

We Have capability and experienced Platform Partners and associated Manufacturers to take complete turnkey power plant projects from Consultancy to Installation. Company can carry out Grid connected & Stand alone solar power plant Projects of:

We will sell 92% to 95% Solar Panels (and other peripherals pertaining to installation of solar power plants) of total installing order (that is 20 MW) to Newly Registered SPV Company & provide 5% to 8% from our company investment & take equity against it & against 25years maintenance.
Regarding Funds: 70% will be Debt, 25% PE Investor, 5% DA Surya Shakti.

D N Lambe
Pl quote for the solar system for my following project:-
1. I own a small, hilly, laterite land admeasuring 7.5 acres at post Dehen, Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri of Konkan region in Maharashtra. Dehen is a small village, 28 km. from Mandangad ( A taluka place),on Mandangad-Anjarle Road and 20 km. from Dapoli (Nearest Taluka place).
2. There are 100, 5 yrs. old mango plants & 25 fruiting cashew nut plants.
3. My interest is to grow Rudraksha (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) varieties (Total 350 all over the world known in Australia as Blue Berry Ash/Quandong etc.)
4. The project includes development of a "Nakshatravan" as well.
5. The land has a kuccha well admeasuring 25 feet in diameter, kuccha approach road admeasuring 1100 length & 15 ft. in breadth,10 HP power connection & a pucca house admesuring 450 sq. ft. with three rooms & veranda.
6. The entire land is not fenced, saucer shaped ,bottom height 80 M above sea level, peripheral height(rim) 105 M above sea level with a gradient of about 30 degree.
7. Konkan season is heavy rains in monsoon(4 months) followed by scarcity of water for 8 months, very hot & humid in summer(sea shore at 8 km.).
Dr.Dileep Wani
Please contact..........
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Solar Power

Please inform your contact details to my p.m.

We Have capability and experienced Platform Partners and associated Manufacturers to take complete turnkey power plant projects from Consultancy to Installation. Company can carry out Grid connected & Stand alone solar power plant Projects of:

We will sell 92% to 95% Solar Panels (and other peripherals pertaining to installation of solar power plants) of total installing order (that is 20 MW) to Newly Registered SPV Company & provide 5% to 8% from our company investment & take equity against it & against 25years maintenance.
Regarding Funds: 70% will be Debt, 25% PE Investor, 5% DA Surya Shakti.

D N Lambe

Solar Power Plant


I have 50 acres of land intact in one place. It sunny, arid region.

Please send me the project details, and how you can contribute and your company details

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power plant

i am from tamilnadu. we have 50 acres of land. i have been exploring this project but not got any proper repky.

pl send me deatails so that we can start the project.



We are the owners.

Can you let us know your contact details to our email id,

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i am from tamilnadu. we have 50 acres of land. i have been exploring this project but not got any proper repky.

pl send me deatails so that we can start the project.

let me know are you ready to come with us on Joint Venture?
We are not looking for lease land.
if yes then send me your email id

Contact Us |
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10 acres land at shahpur.

I have highway touched 10 acres land at shahpur.

Please let me know the details for the project.

Amar Mhaskar

Kindly send me project details

Kindly send me project details, proposal, forecasted revenue per acre, time frame for complete installation, forecasted time frame of break even etc.

I also want to know if there is any government offering in setting up projects in rural area in Maharashtra.
Also kindly need to know your charges for the setting up above said project.

I have land in rural area of Maharashtra, near Thane & Kolhapur.

My email Id:
Would appreciate your prompt reply.
Thanks & Regards

Details of MW Solar Power Project

Hello Every Body
For one megawatt it requires 5/7 acers of land and 17 cr revenue.
Currrently min policy is to provide power purchase agreement for 5Mw from the govt. so at least 35 acers land is required.
we are coming with funds and technicals , MNRE is buyer for 25 years.
We want a land owners who can come with us on Join ventures , not on lease.
if any body interested please mail us on

Answers to your Questions on Solar Power Projects in India

1) What is the total investment required for a Grid Connected Solar Power Plant, per MW?
The investment ranges from Rs 14cr to 16cr per MW depending on the technology. CERC's norms specify Rs 17cr per MW in general without mentioning the technology but solar module prices have come down significantly in the recent past.
2) Which are the ideal states for setting up of solar power projects?
Hot destinations are Rajasthan, Gujarat and MH, MP, Andhra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu as far as solar radiation is concerned. Presently, only Rajasthan and Gujarat have a clear policy and guidelines on the procedures for setting up solar power projects. Other states may also initiate the policy and procedures soon now that Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has been launched by Government of India.
3) How do you choose an ideal location within a particular state for setting up of a solar power project?
Many states have identified certain areas for setting up solar power projects. A project can be located in such designated areas (give the advantage of sharing common infrastructure that is available or will be made available) or a private land can also be used provided the land meets the required criteria for setting up solar power projects.
In addition, we have to do prospecting using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) covering parameters like annual average solar radiation levels, protected areas like forests, water bodies, land use, highways, proximity of transmission lines. Based on this prospecting, physical survey can be done for site selection. Thereafter, detailed solar resource assessment studies have to done through satellite data and computer models to obtain the hourly solar radiation data to simulate the estimated generation. This process is a must for MW size power projects (even if a State has selected some area for Solar Farms) as otherwise the power projects' generation cannot be assured. If the estimate power generation calculations are not accurate, there could be problems for the project approval by the power purchasers (NVVN) besides problems with Bankers for sanction of the loan or even at post commissioning stage.
4) What is the space / area / land required for the plant?
Generally, it is assumed at 3.5 to 4acres for crystalline silicon (c-Si) technology and 6 to 7 acres per MW for thin film solar (a-Si or CdTe) technology. In reality, it depends on other parameters like cost of land, Ground Coverage Ratio (GCR) (to avoid inter array shading, GCR can be 0.45 to 0.65 and generation will vary based on GCR) and choice of sun tracking systems (with sun trackers the land required will be about 6acres per MW for crystalline solar modules).
5) What is the time required from date of commencing the project, before the plant can go 'live', and revenues starts?
About 6 to 8 months from the date of financial closure is a safe assumption considering the permits / approvals for grid interconnection. Signing of PPA and financial closure can take 3 to 6 months.
6) Is the tariff for solar power guaranteed by the State / Central government?
The tariff period will be 25 years as per Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) norms and all power purchasers will adopt 25years only for solar power. The tariff is guaranteed based on the PPA that will be entered into which in turn will be based tariff order of CERC dated 3 rd Dec 2009. The payment guarantee mechanism has to be built into the PPA with the state utility or DISCOM or Energy Trader. Under the National Solar Mission all purchases will be made by NTPC Vidyut Vypar Nigam Ltd (NVVN).
7) What is the Payback?
The payback is dependent upon many financial parameters like cost of debt, depreciation, the Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF or PLF which are in turn dependent on solar resource at the site and the technology adopted c-Si or thin film solar), tariff etc. But as per the Tariff Regulations in India and the financial parameters therein, the payback could be about 7 years (i.e the cash flows will recover the equity capital but the loan will be cleared in 10 or 12 years).
8) What is the return of the investment?
RoE post tax will be about 16% and a maximum allowed equity is 30%. Equity above 30% will be treated as debt only for the purpose of tariff determination wherein benchmark project costs and other financial parameters and operating expenses are considered. Interest allowed may be PLR or PLR plus 1% as per the CERC norms.
RoE before taxes will be 19% for the first ten years (as MAT is 17% including surcharges and E.cess) and thereafter 24% for the next 15 years. In reality, as surcharges, cess and tax rate vary from time to time, the purchaser reimburses for the tax component based on the payment challans for taxes paid.
9) Are Banks interested in financing solar power projects?
The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) works out to an average of 1.49 which is considered quite acceptable to commercial banks for sanction of loan. The maximum debt that is permitted as per CERC norms is 70% and most banks should be find this acceptable based on the financial strength and net worth of the company / promoters.
The present policy driven by the National Solar Mission and PPA for 25 years with a central PSU like NTPC's subsidiary should provide adequate confidence to Banker to finance solar power projects.
10) Critical mass / scale required for cost per MW to come to an optimal level (installed cost) and cost per unit of production to be minimum (operating cost)?
Atleast a 5MW plant in a single location could be considered as an optimal size for installation and maintenance.
The operating costs are quite negligible and have been considered by CERC as Rs 9lakhs per MW which does not include insurance cost for the plant.

i am from tamilnadu. we have 50 acres of land. i have been exploring this project but not got any proper repky.

pl send me deatails so that we can start the project.

Please contact..........

D N Lambe
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Solar Project

We have some precise questions:

1. What's happening to our land ownership? will it continue to be owned by us, or by the company formed thereof?

2. How do we get revenue in this case, and at what rate per acre per year? (you need to know how many Kwh is produced in a year, and divided by acres, and multiplied by PPA rate minus power losses and from that we know our share)

3. How many years we need to lock in the land for this project? It's look like subsidy is only for 10 years and cannot prolong.

4. In a state, a maximum of 20 MW is allowed, and on a nationwide only 50 MW is allowed. The scope seems so narrow, and it looks like govt is experimenting. This is a risk factor, we are looking into.

5. Do you have any calculations that shows, how many Kwh can be produced in a year per MW in Solar PV?

As a Equity holder, We would like to know more about the financials of the project before we commit.

Appreciate your response,

solar map of india

For Solar PV enthusiasts:

here's the Solar Map of India with approximate value of Kwh/sq.m.

Please contact........
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We have some precise questions:

1. What's happening to our land ownership? will it continue to be owned by us, or by the company formed thereof?

2. How do we get revenue in this case, and at what rate per acre per year? (you need to know how many Kwh is produced in a year, and divided by acres, and multiplied by PPA rate minus power losses and from that we know our share)

3. How many years we need to lock in the land for this project? It's look like subsidy is only for 10 years and cannot prolong.

4. In a state, a maximum of 20 MW is allowed, and on a nationwide only 50 MW is allowed. The scope seems so narrow, and it looks like govt is experimenting. This is a risk factor, we are looking into.

5. Do you have any calculations that shows, how many Kwh can be produced in a year per MW in Solar PV?

As a Equity holder, We would like to know more about the financials of the project before we commit.

Appreciate your response,

Yes We have perfect Answers for these questions when we are investing 160 cr we know all very well, some of your informations are wrong , please sign NDA and MOU to get these answers.......

Dear Sir,

Please send me the NDA and MOU papers to my email,please contact..........

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Funds and Maintenance Service for 1-20 MW Projects Available for Land Owners

I am interested. i have 15 acres land in valliyoor. send me the details ASAP. waiting for your reply.


We Have capability and experienced Platform Partners and associated Manufacturers to take complete turnkey power plant projects from Consultancy to Installation. Company can carry out Grid connected & Stand alone solar power plant Projects of:

We will sell 92% to 95% Solar Panels (and other peripherals pertaining to installation of solar power plants) of total installing order (that is 20 MW) to Newly Registered SPV Company & provide 5% to 8% from our company investment & take equity against it & against 25years maintenance.
Regarding Funds: 70% will be Debt, 25% PE Investor, 5% DA Surya Shakti.

D N Lambe
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Interested in proposal

Kindly send me project details, proposal, forecasted revenue per acre, time frame for complete installation, forecasted time frame of break even etc.

I also want to know if there is any government offering in setting up projects in rural area. And what are your charges.

Please contact............
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