Fruit Teas for Exports



Well-Known Member
Mango Dushari Plant,Mango Sapling,Grafted Mango Plants,Grafted Guava Plant 9936420215

India,s No-1 Fruit & Other Plants Supplier 12 Month All Type Plants/Saplings and seeds Available in NAFEES NURSERY [SIZE="5"][/SIZE]

NAFEES NURSERY & EXPORTER IS A CAPITAL OF GUAVA,MANGO,LEMON PLANTS, SAPLINGS IN INDIA a complete solution of Horticulture / Herbal/ Aromatic & Medicinal Plants , Seeds, Biofartlilizar,Campost and Plants Fast Grothpowder under one roof.


Inform to All,,

Firstly i would Like to introduce my Firm Name Nafees Nursery & Exporter located Mujasa Malihabad Lucknow U.P ( INDIA ). 09415532515 / 09936420215 / 09839886298 Our NURSERY is a Large-Scale Production ,Manufacture,Grower,Exporter,Horticultural Consultant ,Bulk Supplier, and Distributors of Best Quality Seedlins , Grafted Fruits Plants /Saplings, Ornamental Plants /Saplings, Herbals Plants /Saplings,Medicinal Plants /Saplings, Forestry Plants /Saplings, All Type Seeds, Garden Grass and Planting Material, which deals into Horticulture.
We sale all type Best Quality Seedlins , Grafted Fruits Plants Saplings,fruit trees Small 2 Feets To Big 8 Feets size without poly and With polybag grafted Mango Plants/ Saplings/ Fruit tree ,Dushari Mango Plants/ Saplings/ Fruit tree ,Amarpali Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree, Mallika Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree,Chousa Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree, Langra banarasi Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree and other Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree which are yielding is high per acre and crop is highly profitable. Cost of each plant Plz Call Me 09936420215 are Email me >


1.Guava Allahabadi Safaida Plant Graft

2.Guava L-49 Plant Grafted

3.Guava Barafkhana Plant Grafted

4.Guava One Kg Plant Grafted

5.Guava Lalit Plant Grafted

6.Guava Black Plant Grafted

7.Guava Variegated Plant Grafted

8.Guava Chinese Plant Grafted

9.Guava Evergreen Plant Grafted

10.Guava Apple Plant Grafted

11.Guava Seed Las Plant Grafted

12.Guava G-Villas Plant Grafted

13.Guava Ashvariya Plant Grafted

14.Guava Sardar Plant Grafted


1.Mango Dushari Plant Grafted

2.Mango Dushari-51Plant Grafted

3.Mango Chausa Plant Grafted

4.Mango Langra Plant Grafted

5.Mango Lucknowa Safaida Plant Grafted

6.Mango Amrpali Plant Grafted

7.Mallika Plant Grafted

8.Mango Tomy Atkins Shugar Free

9.Mango Seed Less Plant Grafted
