Free/Organic Manures Methds/Book it


I am interested to learn about Organic Farming and request you to kindly mail

Kindly send me the mentioned book.
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Details of books

Pleae provide your email id and address and books details of organics.

Thanking you
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I would like to setup organic farming. kindly mail your e-copy of your booklet on methods of organic manure.
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I like to order organic booklets/hards copies

Dear Madam,
Iam so interested to keep organic farm but iam new and i don't know anything about please help me to keep one Eco system organic farm in my place.Please send the details

Hi all,

We are offering free "organic manures methods" booklets/hard copies to 100 members whoever first contact us.rush to receive your copy.This is to encourage farming community for becoming self efficient and self sufficient in such methods and one can produce in their own farms and can cut-down their cultivation cost.Our methods are simple,advanced and fast result oriented.

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orga nic manures methods

Hi can you send the copy of book to me for below address email id
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I'm making plan to start my own organic farm. Please send me a copy of 'organic manures methods'.
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I want to start my own organic farm. Please send the a copy of 'organic manures methods' to my email id
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I want to start my own organic farm. Please send the a copy of 'organic manures methods' to my email id
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Hi madam i am Interested in Getting the Books . Kindly send me to Bellow Address

M Arun Kummar
C/o Sap Marketing
No 21, 8th Cross,
Bangalore 560002
Mobile No +919035770885

Kindly let me know the Price of that
