Free Conusltancy for 100 tonnes per acre yield for sugarcane crop

Dear farmers,

We, Vasumitra life Energies Pvt. Ltd, provide consultancy for increasing sugarcane yield to 100 tonnes per acre or more.
Consultancy includes everything starting from land preparation to harvesting.

The following presentation explains briefly about the same. This presentation also has visual and documented results.

Samved Humiphos (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure)
Samved Humiphos (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure)

We are working with 5 sugar factories based in Gujrat (1), Maharashtra (3) and Tamilnadu (1) to provide similar consultancy for their member farmers.

Please contact:
Bhushan Jambhekar
Business Dev Co-ordinator
Vasumitra Life Energies Pvt. Ltd.

For Tamilnadu Farmers: Mr. T. Ramesh: 09786689001

For Maharashtra Farmers: 09011028474

For All Others: Mr. Narendra Panditrao: 09011028453

Please contact..........

consultancy for sugar cane production

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested for sugar cane cultivation can you guide me i have a land in river island there is no water logging from the month of october to feburary but in the rest of month there is water logging some time during flood for a period of 5 to 6 days.

Is it suitable for sugar cane cultivation.
please let me

with regards

Please contact....
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Dear Mr. Jambhekar,
We are interested in sugarcane cultivation in Raigad dist near Murud-Janjira which is very heavy rain area.Is it possible to cultivate sugarcane in this area?
Anand Chitre
