Wanted Food Technologist for Dubai


Food Technologist

I am looking for a young and smart food technologist to manage a small project in Dubai, for bean sprouts production and fruits drying by new technology. If interested please send CVs to beamel@eim.ae

We can help you on this since we have our own HR division who handles recruitment os such skilled positions both in India and for abroad. Please contact Mr. Jayachandran, Director. His office is at Edapally in Cochin and once you contact him he will follow it up for recruitment.

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Food industry consultancy

If I can be of help to you please let me know. My address and background is shown below.
Yours Sincerely,
Vacation Address in USA.
Austin Tx. 78717
Phone - (ONLY BETWEEN INDIAN TIME NIGHT 8-30 P.M. TO MORNING 8-30 A.M. up to 26th February 2010)

Address in Tripunitura.

Tripunithura 682301.

Kochi-682 031.

Address in USA.

GA 30269 Austin Tx. 78717
Ph. Phone - (ONLY BETWEEN INDIAN TIME NIGHT 9-30 P.M. TO MORNING 8-30 A.M. up to 26th February 2010)

R. K. Panicker, Food, Nutrition and Nutraceutical Industries Specialist, Kochi- 682 031.
February 15 2009
Part I Resume Highlights.
1) Orange and other citrus Fruits Experience. Technical Director of a citrus products manufacturing company associated with Coca-cola group i.e. FRUIT DRINKS Orange Concentrate, Lime & Lemon concentrate, Grapefruit juice concentrate, Mandarin juice concentrate, etc. and working for almost TEN MONTHS in a year in Belize (British Honduras) with a capacity of 50 tons fruits per hour using T.A.S.T.E. evaporators and supply contract to Coca-Cola international.
Made intensive study for cultivation and processing varieties of al Citrus fruits such as, Oranges, Pomelo, Mandarins, Tangerines, Grapefruits, Lime, Lemon etc. on behalf of UNFDAC (The United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control” in "Chapare" and "Los Yungas" in Bolivia and planned for a modern Citrus processing industry. Also had an intensive study on citrus growing in Baja California as advisor to the governor of Lower California with visits to Citrus growing belts in Florida.
Good knowledge of citrus fruits in other countries as well.
2) Manager and Technical Expert of a large Food Industry department belonged to the Brooke Bonds Leibigs group (Unilever group) in East Africa for 10 years,
3) Plant Manager in Venezuela with a multi Fruit products manufacturing line including Oranges, Banana, Mangoes and Tropical and Non-tropical Fruits and vegetables.
4) Consultancy work for the United Nations as recently as in July 2007 to evaluate the problems of Food Industry in Laos, Indochina and report the projects requirements in the processing of Coffee, Fruits and vegetables, meat, oil seeds etc.
5) Production-in-charge of Central Hindustan Orange and Cold Storage company Limited, Nagpur (Now NOGA, leading Food industry in Maharashtra) , Darlco Cannings Trichur and Caico Trichur.
6) Production Manager of leading Food industries in India such as Kissan Products(Now Hindustan Uni-Lever, Canning Industries Cochin Limited, Central Hindustan Orange and Cold Storage company Limited, Nagpur or known as NOGA now (Chocs Canning), Nadukkara Agro Processing company limited in Kerala financed and sponsored by the European community etc.
7) Head of the project division, Fruits & Vegetable products department and Consultant to CIEPE Foundation (The only other organization similar to the CFTRI of India in the world). Developed 105 new products. Example heat sterilized retortable pouch products (similar to Indian curries), FREEZE DRIED BANANA POWDER etc.
8) National Award holder for the best Food products project development in Latin America and honored by the Governor of Yaracuy, Venezuela.
9) Was Food Processing Advisor to the Government of Guyana and Guyana Pharmaceutical and Food Corporation, assigned by the British Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
10) Chief Food processing advisor to the Kerala Industrial Infra structure Development corporation, Trivandrum (KINFRA).
11) Familiar with and experienced in almost all types of Food products with hand on experience.
12) Director, Concert Hot Breads Private Limited, a lading Bakery and fast Food outlet in Ernakulam, Cochin.
13) Completed an assignment for the United Nations to create a couple of dozens of various Mini Food industries in Venezuela and Guatemala. With special emphasis to Post harvest handling & storage of fruits, vegetables & meat and also Food Safety & HACCP.
15) Worked with many private corporations in Latin America, Africa, India, Iran etc. engaged in both processed and minimally processed Food products, post harvest storage etc.
16) Plant Manager of a large Jam (120 jars per minute working for the whole year and every hour of the year) and Canned and bulk fruit pup and other products manufacturing complex in Cagua, Venezuela.
17) Food Industry Consultant assigned by the European Community to the Kerala Horticultural Development Authority
18) Very good in HACCP and Food Safety related aspects, Post Harvest handling and controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables etc.
19) Advisor and consultant to the Agricultural Finance Corporation and also to the Governor of Lower California on Food Industry project development assigned in Mexicali, Lower California.
20) Production Manager and plant Manager of a manufacturing complex with meat and sausages, Fruits and Vegetable products and empty tin can manufacturing lines in Bolivia.
20) Director of an Herbal Extracts products manufacturing bulk herbal Extracts.
21) Technical Director of a large Aseptic tomato paste manufacturing company in Mexico (1,000 tons per hour Tomatoes).
22) Completed an assignment in 2007 at Sree Warana Agrcultural Goods Processing co.op society Limited, Tatyasaheb Korenagar, Post Waranaga 416 113, Dist. Kolhapur, Maharashtra as consultant in charge of their aseptic Fruit Processing industry and ran the plant for a full season.
23) Consultant TECHNOLOGIST OF Oceanic Edible International and Oceanic Tropical Fruit products Private Limited (Rs. 1000 Crores group) near Pondichery for their Aseptic Fruit industry as well as for the whole group with interest in various Food Industries. Completed the Food safety and HACCP system as well as complete production of Mango and other products during the last Mango season ending early March 31 2009.
24) With Vinsari Fruitech Limited in Renigunta for their aseptic plant during the fruit seasons only and the rest of the time with other projects for five years .
Well Experienced Food Technologist 45 years in South America, Africa and India. Fresh and processed Fruits & Veg. Products, aseptic processing, New products, HACCP, meat, snacks etc. Worked with Large & small companies, U.N. governments etc.
Worked in India, Kenya, Iran, Greneda, Guyana, Venezuela, Bolivia, Mauritius, Mexico (Advisor to the Governor of California and the Lower California Agricultural Finance Corporation), Laos, Indo-china etc.

Formerly: - Technical Director, Vinsari Fruitech Ltd., Renigunta, India, Virat Crane Agritech Ltd., Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, Consultant to Ciepe Foundation, Venezuela , Hamid Klai & Company, Tunisia and Lakshadweep Development Corporation, Manager Kabazi Canners Limited, Kenya (Brooke Bond Leibigs Limited group) Agro Processing specialist, Kerala Horticulture Development Project (KHDP) Guyana Pharmaceutical and Food Corporation, Food Industries Consultant, Governor of Lower (Baja) California, British Commonwealth Secretariat, and Chief Technical Advisor KINFRA) Trivandrum, India, Food Processing Advisor, Governments of Guyana, Dominican Republic & Bolivia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Lower California Agricultural Finance Corporation, United Nations (Unfdac and Unido),
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