Floriculture : How to Start?



New Member

We want to start floriculture business. We have some land near Shirdi. We plan to grow carnations. Could anyone let me know how to start in this direction?

How much it would cost? Is there any finance scheme available from Banks, Govt etc? Whom should be contacted for export?


Hi nishant

Floriculture in MH is profitable and have wide demand for the flower croops as Pune mubai are the consumers of flowers. Carnation is very good flower having very good shelf life so there great demand in the market which sells around avg Rs.5/flower, cost is around 5.0 lakhs for 2 qunta green house, plants around Rs.15/plant it is advised to go for tissue culture plants which is available in indoamerican,KF biotech, Karuthori flori tech and so many companys giving.
Once transplanting done after about one and half month u have to give staking which is very much essential in carnation plnt which cost arount 50k for 2 guntas, then intercultural,fertilizer, labur and plant protection will cost around 1.0 lakh.
NOte: cost provided are liable to change from place to place it is just an idea for further details pls contact near by Horticulture or Agriculture university.

Dept of Horticulture in National Horticulture Mission and National Horticultre Board are providing subsidy for floricutlue under area expansion and Nursery establishment for that u will have to have bank loan and personel contribution and there is sehems for encorrageing pack house, cold storege facility also.


Kirti s

Will carnation grow in Ramnagar

Hello Kirti,

How about growing carnation flowers in Ramanagar on mysore road, 50KM from Bangalore. It generally hot over there. We need to go for Green house.

Will it cost or more less here in Bangalore, any recommendation you have on which green house.. tents and any training is needed for floriculture.

