


Active Member
I have dug a new pond of area 20mX20m and depth 3m.
Can someone please suggest me about fishery?
What will be the good fish bread?
What will be the food for fish?

Thanks in advance.


Hello sir
you can cultivte Rohu,Catla,Indian common corp,Britski's catfish
Emerald catfish Brochis splendens
Hognosed brochis Brochis multiradiatus
Cascarudo Callichthys callichthys
Adolfo's catfish Corydoras adolfoi
now a days ready fish meal is available in market and some of fishes if you want to do it lorge scale some of the varieties feeds on leaves for details please contact Nataraj S.K

I have dug a new pond of area 20mX20m and depth 3m.
Can someone please suggest me about fishery?
What will be the good fish bread?
What will be the food for fish?

Thanks in advance.


Hi victorka,

What is your current knowledge on fish farming? If you are a newbie, I suggest you to go for Katla, Rohu, Mirgal, Common Carp, Silver Carp, Grass Carp only. Once you gain knowledge, you can move to other fish varieties like Catfish etc which will you premium prices.

If you spend too much on fish feed, you will not make much profit. My suggestion would be to have 3 cows for 1 acre. Use the fresh cow dung as feed for the carps. Alternatively, you can also go for Multi layer farming.

You can have chickens placed on top of the pond and the chicken manure becomes feed for the fishes. You can also have Piggery and the residue from the pigs can act as feed.

Hope this helps.

Padmanabhan Ganesan
Agriculture for Everybody

Dear Siddharta, Contact Mr.Arun 09845668592, he will be able to give you the right

I have dug a new pond of area 20mX20m and depth 3m.
Can someone please suggest me about fishery?
What will be the good fish bread?
What will be the food for fish?

Thanks in advance.


Hi, Siddharta, Contact Mr.Arun 09845668592, he will be able to give you the best solution.
