Financing available..Apply today!!


I am a private investor and a private loan lender.Get financial support from me.I offer loans at a low interest rate to individuals and business organization. I offer personal loans,business loans,debt consolidation loans,commercial loans,real estate loans,hard money loans and so much more. For more details contact me via e-mail: Please contact....

What are the terms and conditions on the loans you provide?

hi sathish h r u?

My name is KUMAR from coimbatore. Even i plan to start goat or sheep farm. So i think we have same idea of interest. If u can pls guide me. . Can u pls send me your mobile numb as a message to my mobile.
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I want to get in to agri farm near kerala border with karnataka or tamil nadu, please send the terms and conditions for loan up to 25 lakhs R



I want to get into agriculture business. Hence need loan of about 40 Lakhs.
Kindly mail me and let me know what will be the interest rate and your terms and conditions for the loan.
