Financial opportunity / loan available to those in need.



New Member
STEWART FORD FINANCIAL LENDING COMPANY Present to you 2012 investment and loan offer opportunities to those in need of financial assistance from any country. We focus on startup funds,mortgage loans,Agricultural loans,Personal loans,Educational loans,Purchase loans e.t.c.
Are you in need of Educational/Real estate loans?
Are you in need of Commercial Mortgage/lease loans?
Are you in need of Secured/unsecured loans?
Are you looking for Equipment financing/Operational Growth funding?
Are you looking for Purchase/Merchant cash advance loans?
Do you need Personal loan,Construction loans, Startup funding, Real estate loan, Investors loans, Mobile home loans,Debt free loans,Expansion/purchase loan e.t.c. Stewart Ford Company is an international lending company that is ready and capable of assisting you with any of your financial need at any credit rate. Have you been turned down by other lenders/banks? Stewart Ford Lending Company is granting you the opportunity to actualize your dream. Contact us through the below email address if you are interested in a loan of any type.
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Dear sir,

we want pre shipment loans against LC.
pl send us the procedure if it is possible.

STEWART FORD FINANCIAL LENDING COMPANY Present to you 2012 investment and loan offer opportunities to those in need of financial assistance from any country. We focus on startup funds,mortgage loans,Agricultural loans,Personal loans,Educational loans,Purchase loans e.t.c.
Are you in need of Educational/Real estate loans?
Are you in need of Commercial Mortgage/lease loans?
Are you in need of Secured/unsecured loans?
Are you looking for Equipment financing/Operational Growth funding?
Are you looking for Purchase/Merchant cash advance loans?
Do you need Personal loan,Construction loans, Startup funding, Real estate loan, Investors loans, Mobile home loans,Debt free loans,Expansion/purchase loan e.t.c. Stewart Ford Company is an international lending company that is ready and capable of assisting you with any of your financial need at any credit rate. Have you been turned down by other lenders/banks? Stewart Ford Lending Company is granting you the opportunity to actualize your dream. Contact us through the below email address if you are interested in a loan of any type.

STEWART FORD FINANCIAL LENDING COMPANY Present to you 2012 investment and loan offer opportunities to those in need of financial assistance from any country. We focus on startup funds,mortgage loans,Agricultural loans,Personal loans,Educational loans,Purchase loans e.t.c.
Are you in need of Educational/Real estate loans?
Are you in need of Commercial Mortgage/lease loans?
Are you in need of Secured/unsecured loans?
Are you looking for Equipment financing/Operational Growth funding?
Are you looking for Purchase/Merchant cash advance loans?
Do you need Personal loan,Construction loans, Startup funding, Real estate loan, Investors loans, Mobile home loans,Debt free loans,Expansion/purchase loan e.t.c. Stewart Ford Company is an international lending company that is ready and capable of assisting you with any of your financial need at any credit rate. Have you been turned down by other lenders/banks? Stewart Ford Lending Company is granting you the opportunity to actualize your dream. Contact us through the below email address if you are interested in a loan of any type.

We have 4 ares of land at khuda Dist of Orissa. we would like to setup a goat farm . which project cost is Rs.70 lacs. Pls. inform me about the procedure to obtained such loan. My mail id.

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we want a loan to buy a land.we have 250 sheeps and 10 cattle.which cost 1500000.please tell me how can i apply to it?please contact me for more details


hi sir,
this is architect sainath i need finance for a construction project.
plz give me the details of finance.
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Iam living in tamilnadu.iam having 3 acres of land .i need to start goat farm for that i need 10 lacks loan.whats procedure,terms and
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Loan required for Dairy business,

I am living in Nagpur (Maharashtra) having 6 acres of land . i planned to start 500 HF animals Dairy farm ,Dairy product processing unit and marketing in international market.For that i need 2 Cr. loan.whats procedure,terms and conditions.

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Hello there,
We're a group of NRIs and looking forward to investing in farm lands of 50 - 500 acres in size for future commerical purposes. We have a part of initial investment and we're looking at the available investment/ loan facilities available for us in India.

Please share your details with us so we can get in tough with you and also suggest the procedure to proceed further.

Thank You,
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i need loan

Dear Sir,

i am planning start dairy farm in andhrapradesh, india. i need loan amount INR25lakhs.

please send me your contact details for contact,


An Excellent Investment Opportunity

We have some projects in the field of Food Processing alongwith Setting Up of Cold Storage and Cold Chain in Uttarakhand. The project costs more than 5 crores and is very lucratively profitable. The returns are quite excellent and the project meets with the priorities set by Uttarakhand Government.

If you find it worthwhile, please contact at giving a sms stating FOOD PROCESSING PROJECT.

hoping to hear you soon,
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Dont be fooled .

I find so funny to see so many persons responding to such ridiuculus finnacing adds. people please dont respond to such cheating adds. IF you want finance for your realy serious agri project go to nabbard there people to help you. Not to this funny finace company of tom dick an harry,.

Need a loan for commericial Goat Farming 5 to 6 lacs

Dear sir,

This is Balamurugan from chennai a HR Profressional and I am planning to start small goat farm with lease land in around andra border .... Moreover I have good experience in goat with 2 yrs traing from several private and public owned institution ... And I need 5 to 6 lakhs loans for my commerical gat farming ... so if there is any possibililty kindly reach me in the following mobile
STEWART FORD FINANCIAL LENDING COMPANY Present to you 2012 investment and loan offer opportunities to those in need of financial assistance from any country. We focus on startup funds,mortgage loans,Agricultural loans,Personal loans,Educational loans,Purchase loans e.t.c.
Are you in need of Educational/Real estate loans?
Are you in need of Commercial Mortgage/lease loans?
Are you in need of Secured/unsecured loans?
Are you looking for Equipment financing/Operational Growth funding?
Are you looking for Purchase/Merchant cash advance loans?
Do you need Personal loan,Construction loans, Startup funding, Real estate loan, Investors loans, Mobile home loans,Debt free loans,Expansion/purchase loan e.t.c. Stewart Ford Company is an international lending company that is ready and capable of assisting you with any of your financial need at any credit rate. Have you been turned down by other lenders/banks? Stewart Ford Lending Company is granting you the opportunity to actualize your dream. Contact us through the below email address if you are interested in a loan of any type.[/QUOTE]
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Loan required for Dairy business/ Milk chilling plant @ Hyderabad

We are having 60 acres of land near International Airport, Hyderabad, planned to start 300 animals Dairy farm ,Dairy product processing unit CHILLING PLANT and marketing of milk products. For the project we need 2 Cr. loan.whats procedure,terms and conditions.
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sir we need 40 lacks of loan we are growing cornflake crop in 100 acres to enhance we need capital pls mail the procedure
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