Finance available



New Member
We will be arranging funds for these projects:-

• Real Estates Industries
• Power Industries
• Multimedia Industries
• Entertainment Industries
• Aviation Industries
• Telecommunication Industries
• Also Start Up Companies

We have lot of Indian Private Financiers and also Foreign Financiers ready with huge funds for investments upto 100 billion US$ in all over India and Abroad in Big Ticket Size Projects.

We will take 30-45 working days time for arrange any big ticket size funds anywhere in the world.


For our Financial Consultancy, First we will signed the Mandate, Non Discloser Agreement, Fee Protection Agreement with a upfront payment of Rs. 7 Lakh and we will charge 5% of total project transaction value after closing the transaction .

thank you.

is this a 417 scheme?

Good try!! Ever hear of the 417 schemes of Nigeria? :rolleyes:

Whats the need for 7 Lakhs upfront!! When you find the capital you can get your 5%.:confused:

Will the forum owners check the antecedents of such posters and prevent such posts?

We will be arranging funds for these projects:-

• Real Estates Industries
• Power Industries
• Multimedia Industries
• Entertainment Industries
• Aviation Industries
• Telecommunication Industries
• Also Start Up Companies

We have lot of Indian Private Financiers and also Foreign Financiers ready with huge funds for investments upto 100 billion US$ in all over India and Abroad in Big Ticket Size Projects.

We will take 30-45 working days time for arrange any big ticket size funds anywhere in the world.


For our Financial Consultancy, First we will signed the Mandate, Non Discloser Agreement, Fee Protection Agreement with a upfront payment of Rs. 7 Lakh and we will charge 5% of total project transaction value after closing the transaction .

thank you.

Looking business partner/finencer

Dear sir,
I am running a small seed company (one year old) . To boost up our activiy, we are looking for finance/business partner who can invest minimum 5 lac- 50 lac on 12%intrest/year or on partnership/share basis. Company valuation today is less than 1 crore. Pls return

J K Nigam
please contact.....

We will be arranging funds for these projects:-

• Real Estates Industries
• Power Industries
• Multimedia Industries
• Entertainment Industries
• Aviation Industries
• Telecommunication Industries
• Also Start Up Companies

We have lot of Indian Private Financiers and also Foreign Financiers ready with huge funds for investments upto 100 billion US$ in all over India and Abroad in Big Ticket Size Projects.

We will take 30-45 working days time for arrange any big ticket size funds anywhere in the world.


For our Financial Consultancy, First we will signed the Mandate, Non Discloser Agreement, Fee Protection Agreement with a upfront payment of Rs. 7 Lakh and we will charge 5% of total project transaction value after closing the transaction .

thank you.
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Can you finance Purchasing agriculture products from west africa[Ivc,Burkina,ghana,benin,Lome]

Please send us your contact details
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Looking for Agri finanace

Dear sir,
I am running a small seed company (one year old) ,Hyderabad. . To boost up our activiy, we are looking for finance/business partner who can invest minimum 2 lac- 50 lac on intrest/year or on partnership/share basis. ., Seed Company valuation today is less than 1 crore. Pls return

J K Nigam
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Caution necessary on the part of this website

Good try!! Ever hear of the 417 schemes of Nigeria? :rolleyes:

Whats the need for 7 Lakhs upfront!! When you find the capital you can get your 5%.:confused:

Will the forum owners check the antecedents of such posters and prevent such posts?

We fully agree with this view; abundant caution is required on the part of this website to allow postings regarding financiers that seek money upfront. While serving the farming community is the objective of this website, inadvertently reverse would happen if unscrupulous agencies enter (this is a general remark; we are not pre-judging the posting done by the financier who initiated this thread). It would be ideal for the website administration to check how many projects have received help by those that advertised such support earlier.

- Phytica
093964 02910

Please do note the stony silence from the "Financier". I am willing to pay any financier who can find venture capital. But NOTHING will be paid upfront. That is NOT the norm in financial circles. I am saying thisbecause I know many people who say they will find 100s of crores, but whenyou have paid the upfront money they say finance is on the way. They wait a long time and when they approach knowlegable people seeking help the so called "financier" either disappears or says that the project is unviable - the earlier promises notthstading.

I have helped some recover their payments. Thats why I am saying beware. Initially ll you say will be very acceptable and in days one will reach the payment stage. You are happy then starts the run around!!


hello Sir,
I'm swaroop reddy from bangalore.
i need investment for my project.we are the land procurers for reputed companies.
If you are interested to invest please let me know.
we are ready to to work on profit sharing basis.
with regards,
swaroop reddy

send a test mail

olease sebd a test
mail for detail discussion
please contact...
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i am intreasted

Dear sir,
I am running a small seed company (one year old) ,Hyderabad. . To boost up our activiy, we are looking for finance/business partner who can invest minimum 2 lac- 50 lac on intrest/year or on partnership/share basis. ., Seed Company valuation today is less than 1 crore. Pls return

J K Nigam

please contact
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Need finace to set up mushroom farm

respected sir,
I want to set up a Mushroom farm. Please send me information regarding government subsidis available and finace available for the same. I will be very thankfull to you for this.
Please contact...
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As many of you have said the moderator of this forum should screen such messages and authenticate the source and then only allow it to be posted.

Who ever has posted this:-) Do you think folks on this forum are so dumb to get lured by your post. Anywhere in INDIA for any kind of funding, let be from a bank or private finance institues or private individual finance or VC funding... NO ONE CHARGES MORE THAN 2-3% of the whole funding amount as their service charge...


GUESS this is the easiest way people are finding to convert their BLACK money to WHITE and cheat sincere and honest people participating in this forum.


hello sir
if u want invbes in india so tellme by mail.
please contact...
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