Finance Available for dairy farming project



New Member
Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal
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Dairy Farming

Dear Sir,
We are a Trust namely, Bundelkhand Farmers Development & Service Trust at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh (India). We have read your column regarding starting the Milk Plant. We are ready to provide 2-5 Acre Land for this purpose. We also want to start a Dairy Farming to market our Milk and Milk Products in our own Brand. We welcome you in our village for this project. Please forward further details to study and to go ahead.
With regards
Yours sincerely
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Available dairy Farming & Organic Milk Production

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal

Dear Mr.Hassin,
We already have allotted land in Gujarat & Rajasthan state for Dairy having technical know how marketing management for Organic Goat,Cow,camel milk
production and processing.We are looking for sound investor to join with us and co-operate for this joint venture.Please contact with details to proceed further.
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Dear Sir,
am planing to start a dairy form in warangal, Andhara pradesh,(India). I have read your blog regarding starting the dairy form & Milk Plant. I have the 10 Acre Land with water resource for this purpose. I hearty welcome you to join in this project. we are awaiting for your positive replay.

Warm regards,
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Dairy project proposal

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal

I am anil from bangalore.i you are really interested to invest on dairy farming,
Please take my below mail id for further discussion.

Project cost is 1crore and its own land.

Anil Kumar
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2 acr of Land Available, at Cuttack, Orissa

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal

Dear Sir,

We have purchase 2 acres of land at cuttack, orissa for the purpose of Diry Farm. in the name of Prashant K. Rout and mohammed rafique. if you interested he can invite you for the same purpose for seting of a dairy firm.
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Dear sir,

your private message is full so i have sent you a brief of what i have in mind if you are interested .. Hi,

Please send me your email address to kmaduram attherate gmail.comso that i can send you the proposal for a startup business .. this is for mechanism dairy farm of 50 cows, with 500 goats and a poultry of 2000 birds per month. If you are seriously interested email me.

Finance required for Dairy business/ Milk chilling plant @ Hyderabad

Dear Sir,

We are having 60 acres of land near International Airport, Hyderabad, planned to start 300 animals Dairy farm ,Dairy product processing unit CHILLING PLANT and marketing of milk products. For the project we need 2 Cr. loan.whats procedure,terms and conditions.

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reply to your proposal

Dear Sir
We are having very good project proposal for you.
ashok kulal

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal
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Is It True ?

I strongly don't believe if you are searching for some associate to venture when you have 2 crore amount in hand.

I suggest invest in a 60:40 Ratio 60% for your growth and 40% for community and social Cause.

Earning + Satisfaction = Being Human

All the Best....

Planning to start a Dairy Farm In Center of Bangalore it city

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal

Dear Sir,

Good to know people like you have interest in INDIAN Growth though you are far off from here sure there is a good mother india touch in your thought, anyways you will find a right partner in me down here to keep your dream turning true

Meanwhile a small info about me , i just resigned as a National manager for sales from Zieta Technologies selling Cloud based solution Sap Business By Design now i own a 8 acre land in heart of Banglaore city which was lying idle from the time my father in law passed away now i was wondering to start a dairy farming different from the regular set up, i have done a good round of know how about dairy farming and now i have decided to set up a complete automated milking paralour initially and then go ahead building shed, then the fodder, then the purchase of some real good breeds of cattle if needed import them. I was looking for some one like you. i will give the complete project proposal once i receive some feed back from you. My contact details are as here under email :, Mobile: 08197209264

Waiting to here from you soon


Investment for a Dairy Farm

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal

Dear Sir,
We are a partnership farm, in possession with 3 Acres of land in the state of West Bengal/India. We like to start a Dairy farm here. We are qualified engineers (4 persons) from Institute of Repute. If you like to invest money in our Dairy farm, kindly let us know your terms.

Suman Ghosh

Dairy farming in chennai

Dear All,

I am based in the Abu Dhabi and looking to invest in Dairy farming to produce milk and combine it with processing unit. Investment upto 2 crores INR. I can venture in your ongoing diary farming or on fresh business startup.

Please send your detailed business proposal

Sir we have planned in Integrated farming at chennai
We have leased land from land lord on profit sharing business
We have a plan of setting up a dairy in promoting Organic milk and Milk products
If interested You can join us as a joint venture project


View attachment 13183Sir,
I am looking for genuine INVESTMENT partner or JOINT VENTURE .
I have Fully Dairy Farm at Shameerpet, RRdist,Hyderabad .Telangana Satate. India.
I have 2 Sheds with capacity of 100 Cows/Buffaloes, Storage Shed for Fodder etc can hold upto 4 lorry loads of Feed, Grass Chaffing Machine.AI Tanks Labour Qrts for 5 Couples, Office etc.
I have Long Leesed 12.7 Acre Field with 4 Bore wells, Field with fully grown and established CO3 Grass, Miracle Grass and BHN10 Grass also.
Invest in our dairy,sheep and goat farms we want to extend our farms as well as to share profit to others (get back your capital amount in a couple of months with zero investment get your profit every month... to know full details regarding this investment).

Total investment :- 50,00,000/-Rs

Bufflos :-50Nos (80000/-Rs- Each + or - 5000/-Rs)
Milk :- 600 Leters (12Each one Bufflo + or - 1 leter)
Per Leter(Per Day) :- 38Rs(600 leters*38Rs-22,800/-Rs + or - 1800/-Rs)
Per Day Incom :- 21,000/-Rs ( 30 Days 6,30,000/-Rs)
Per Month Incom :- 6,30,000/-Rs


Labour Payement :- 80,000/-Rs (per Month)
Feed :- 1,75,000 /-Rs(Per Month)
Maintenance :- 25,000/-Rs (Per Month)
Total :- 2,80,000/-Rs(Per Month)

Milk Incom Per Month :- 6,30,000/-Rs
Total Payements Monthly :- 2,80,000/-Rs
Balance :- 3,50,000/-Rs
Re Investment Monthly :- 2,50,000/-Rs(we buy a anmels 3 or 4 per month)
Our Incom up to 20 Months :- 1,00,000/-Rs(Sharing The income)


Re Investment Monthly :-2,50,000/-Rs (we buy a anmels 3 or 4 per month)up to 24months.
Our proprety(anmels)increased up to 70+anemels in 24 month after no forother investment. (70+50=120+ nos Anmels Value 75,00,000/-Rs + aprox)
Get back our capital amount from 24thmonth to 36th mounth (every month 3,50,000/-Rs 12months) ...
After geting tha captil with zero investment get your profit every month... (Amount and Anmels allso equle share). If you are interested please contact me.


VENKATA SATYANARAYANA RAO. 9985109500; 9492038500.
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I am interested in this venture as I have land for growing fodder for animals but I am new to this field so help me on this
My email id is
Tele :9796622144

Hello Sir.
I am VENKAT . 49 years old .
I am looking for Genuine Financial Investor or Busines Partner .
Dairy Market innovate “100% successes & guaranty” Profitable business concept ideas.
I have Fully Functional Dairy Farm at Shameerpet,RRdist,Hyderabad .Telangana Satate. India.
I have 2 Sheds with capacity of 100 Cows/Buffaloes, Storage Shed for Fodder etc can hold upto 4 lorry loads of Feed, Grass Chaffing Machine, AIl Tanks Labour Qrts for 5 Couples, Office etc.
And also Long term leased 12.7 Acre Field with 4 Bore wells, Field with fully grown and established CO3 Grass, Miracle Grass and BHN10 Grass.
Invest in our dairy and goat farms You get profits Lifetime. Get back your capital amount in a couple of months (24th to 36th)....Please contact whoever is interested to know full details regarding this investment. +91 9985109500; +91 9492038500.
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Hello Sir.
I am VENKAT . 49 years old .
I am looking for Genuine Financial Investor or Busines Partner .
Dairy Market innovate “100% successes & guaranty” Profitable business concept ideas.
I have Fully Functional Dairy Farm at Shameerpet,RRdist,Hyderabad .Telangana Satate. India.
I have 2 Sheds with capacity of 100 Cows/Buffaloes, Storage Shed for Fodder etc can hold upto 4 lorry loads of Feed, Grass Chaffing Machine, AIl Tanks Labour Qrts for 5 Couples, Office etc.
And also Long term leased 12.7 Acre Field with 4 Bore wells, Field with fully grown and established CO3 Grass, Miracle Grass and BHN10 Grass.
Invest in our dairy and goat farms You get profits Lifetime. Get back your capital amount in a couple of months (24th to 36th)....Please contact whoever is interested to know full details regarding this investment. +91 9985109500; +91 9492038500.
