Feed of Murrah Buffalos



New Member
I want to know the average feed of Murrah buffalo for the Lactation period, Dry period and Gestation Period. Please tell it in terms of materials used (as a feed) with quantity.


Senior Member
Guidelines to feed Pure Murrah

I want to know the average feed of Murrah buffalo for the Lactation period, Dry period and Gestation Period. Please tell it in terms of materials used (as a feed) with quantity.

In Early lactation :-
1. Concentrate (15% DCP, 70% TDN, 2500Kcal/kg) 2 kg for maintainance & growth, plus 1 kg per 2.5 kg of milk produced. For e.g. for a 10 kg milk producing buffalo the concentrate to be fed should be 2+4 i.e 6 kg daily.
2. Green fodder :- adlib i.e. as much as the buffalo can eat.
3. Dry fodder - between 6 - 8 kgs depending on the body weight of buffalo.
4. Provide 40gms soda bi carb, 50 gms mineral mixture, 33 gms liv 52 powder and 150 gms of bye pass fat separately if it is already not part of concentrate formulation.

During Dry Period ( if not pregnent):- Green fodder adlib. Dry fodder 7-10 kgs.

During Dry Period ( in mid pregnency):- Green fodder adlib. Dry fodder 7-10 kgs. Concentrate 2 kgs.

For Down calvers/ Advanced pregnency :- concentrate 4 kgs, Green fodder adlib. Dry fodder 5-6 kgs.

Concentrate may be reduced in all stages by 40 - 60% if good quality silege is available.

Concentrate mixture should have 30% grain (maize, oat, barley etc), 30 -35% oilcake (groundnut, soya DOC, cottonseed, linseed, mustard etc), and rest bye products ( Deoiled rice bran, wheat bran, gram chuni etc).


Prateek Vaish

(writer is Vice president operations at Model Dairy Farm which has the finest genetic stock of Pure Murrah Buffaloes and are leaders in dairy consulting since 1979.)


New Member
Dear Prateek Sir,

Thanks for you detailed inputs.

I completely agree with the feeding detailed.

As a business man i have a question. If i input the above mentioned to buffalo's and at the market price of milk. I have to run my business in losses.

if i increase the price of milk no one will take.

How do we make profit then?

Thanks and regards,
