farming information


Hello Sir
Green fodder contains 86-90% of water and so will not completely satisfy the hunger of cattle, only 10 % dry part will fulfil satity of animal.

So for that dry fodder for milking animals is very necessary.

For buffalo,minimum 7-8 kgs of dry fodder is required.

Dry fodder eg.Soyabean, gram, massor, pigeon pea, mung, urd, cut jowar

Green fodder: maize, bajra, lucerne, berseem, hybrid napier, C03, mulleto, dastath, anjan.


The total nutritional requirment per animal should be met.
It can be done through concentrates, and fodder (dry & green)

Animal nutrition is a vast topic and difficult to conclude over a mail.
Depending on what best is available it should be designed.

total dry matter requirement per animal per day is about 15 kg. which should count for all.


Heramb Gupte

Green fodder 365days in year

Let me know if any one want GREEN FODDER 365 days in Year.. with high proteins..

Send mesage and call me on 8861926926

Green fodder 365days in year

Green fodder 365days in year

Let me know if any one want GREEN FODDER 365 days in Year.. with high proteins..

Send mesage and call me on 8861926926
