Farming in Africa

Hello All

We are reading a lot about Indian farmers getting land on lease in Ethiopia, Tanzania etc.

I am interested to initiate discussion about issues in the same...

1. Cost per acre (excluding land rentals)?
2. Minimum acreage required to be successful?
3. Minimum funds required (excluding land rentals) per acre to develop farming?
4. What should be considered successful for someone leaving a life behind?
5. What equipment is needed & for what acreage e.g. a tractor per xx acres, one harvester per xx acres and so on.

Other issues I am not even thinking of...

Looking forward to a good discussion.

With best regards.


Dear Sanjay,

Your interest is well appreciated.Basically land is available on lease in ,many places in India, in Africa, in mexico..............But basically in all places what you will do after getting 10/25/100/1000/5000 hectares of land. In all cases you cultivate the land get the produce and sell the same as it is or value added.

In any case it would definitely require 10 lakhs/100 lakhs/1000 lakhs........

if you are ready with funds depending on size of fund own or borrowed you can get any quantity of land if you are not zone specific.

for more ............

Hello All

We are reading a lot about Indian farmers getting land on lease in Ethiopia, Tanzania etc.

I am interested to initiate discussion about issues in the same...

1. Cost per acre (excluding land rentals)?
2. Minimum acreage required to be successful?
3. Minimum funds required (excluding land rentals) per acre to develop farming?
4. What should be considered successful for someone leaving a life behind?
5. What equipment is needed & for what acreage e.g. a tractor per xx acres, one harvester per xx acres and so on.

Other issues I am not even thinking of...

Looking forward to a good discussion.

With best regards.

Hello All

We are reading a lot about Indian farmers getting land on lease in Ethiopia, Tanzania etc.

I am interested to initiate discussion about issues in the same...

1. Cost per acre (excluding land rentals)?
2. Minimum acreage required to be successful?
3. Minimum funds required (excluding land rentals) per acre to develop farming?
4. What should be considered successful for someone leaving a life behind?
5. What equipment is needed & for what acreage e.g. a tractor per xx acres, one harvester per xx acres and so on.

Other issues I am not even thinking of...

Looking forward to a good discussion.

With best regards.

Hi Sanjay,

We are starting with 1000 acres in Namibia.
If you are really interested then contact me
I will be in India from 24/08/11 to 02/09/11

Devdatta Kadam
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all you need is capital to do farming .we also have arrangements of land and are looking for some good financiers.
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farming in Ethiopia


I am involved in commercial farming in Ethiopia. It offers lot of benefits for enterprising farmers to use the benefit of economies of scale. however, its really challenging to create all infrastructure and managing inputs and marketing.

for any query, i can be contacted

puneet singh thind
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Why lease when u can buy. Call me so v discuss


hello all

we are reading a lot about indian farmers getting land on lease in ethiopia, tanzania etc.

I am interested to initiate discussion about issues in the same...

1. Cost per acre (excluding land rentals)?
2. Minimum acreage required to be successful?
3. Minimum funds required (excluding land rentals) per acre to develop farming?
4. What should be considered successful for someone leaving a life behind?
5. What equipment is needed & for what acreage e.g. A tractor per xx acres, one harvester per xx acres and so on.

Other issues i am not even thinking of...

Looking forward to a good discussion.

With best regards.
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Agriculture in Africa

Hi Sanjay,

We are starting with 1000 acres in Namibia.
If you are really interested then contact me
I will be in India from 24/08/11 to 02/09/11

Devdatta Kadam

I am a very experienced Horticulturist having worked in Africa(Zambia) for over five years.Iam still interested to be involved in planning and monitoring of big projects in Africa. I my association required pl. [
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Agriculture in Africa

I have more than thirty five years of experience in Horticulture working on very senior Res., development and business positions in India and also for five years in Africa(Zambia). I still like to get involved in some big horticulture project in Africa espcially at planning,managing or monitoring levels. Please
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big projects

I am a very experienced Horticulturist having worked in Africa(Zambia) for over five years.Iam still interested to be involved in planning and monitoring of big projects in Africa. I my association required pl. [

sir i want to share your experience . i am an consultant. if any projects in africa shall i send it to u. please send your

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Your contact # please


I am involved in commercial farming in Ethiopia. It offers lot of benefits for enterprising farmers to use the benefit of economies of scale. however, its really challenging to create all infrastructure and managing inputs and marketing.

for any query, i can be contacted

puneet singh thind

I am interested to contact you Thind Sahib for further proceeding please.
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anil1956, devdatta, rp9927, puneetthind, agrogreens, dkuppal

Thanks for responding to my post. Sent you all Private Messages. Please respond directly to my email id.

With best regards.

hi, mr dev

Hi Sanjay,

We are starting with 1000 acres in Namibia.
If you are really interested then contact me
I will be in India from 24/08/11 to 02/09/11

Devdatta Kadam

hello sir i am venkatesh from chennai i am really intrested in farming in africa i want to know more about the process and procedure required. and also the money needed to invest in africa :) looking forward

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info needed

anil1956, devdatta, rp9927, puneetthind, agrogreens, dkuppal

Thanks for responding to my post. Sent you all Private Messages. Please respond directly to my email id.

With best regards.

all you need is capital to do farming .we also have arrangements of land and are looking for some good financiers.

i am venkatesh from chennai i am really intrested in farming in africa i want to know more about the process and procedure required. and also the money needed to invest in africa :) looking forward

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hello sir i am venkatesh from chennai i am really intrested in farming in africa i want to know more about the process and procedure required. and also the money needed to invest in africa :) looking forward

i am venkatesh i am looking forward for your mail id and contact info u can mail me "my name at and plz do response :)
