

Precautions to be taken while running a cow shed / cattle farm:

Avoid the following Defects or Irregularities generally found while conducting a cattle farm:

Flooring and open gutters are generally out of order and dirty water stagnates and percolated in the soil.
Catch-pit chambers are not regularly cleaned. They are broken from inside and without proper covers and without grating (jallis).
Dung receptacle maintenance is not proper. Dung is not regularly removed and fly – breeding is found. The same is broken not painted and not covered.
License is not displayed in a conspicuous place and is not available at the time of inspection.
No. of animals are in excess (more than the number permitted).
Lofts are low and are misused for residence etc.
Some portion of the licensed premises is used for cocking and residence.
Dirty water stagnates from place to place in sheds as well as in area around.
The milk products are not properly stored in covered utensils, or in cupboards with fly –proof gauze.
Some of the workers are suffering from tuberculosis, other lung disease etc. or from skin diseases.
Diseased animals are kept with healthy animal.
Washing platform and water storage tank is insufficient.
Dung mixed with water is disposed in drainage chambers or it is allowed to pass into drainage.
Residential buildings have come up in the vicinity and hence the stable / cattle shed should be shifted elsewhere at suitable site.
Dung is deposited outside the receptacle in open space or near washing place or is lying in the sheds below the animals and is not removed.
Hay or grass is kept on floor in sheds and place of animals is encroached upon.
Some animals are tethered in open space.
Workers below age of 14 are engaged for work.


It is really very difficult to help you limited information.

You may cal on 09820593918 and discuss further and each case is independent.


Heramb Gupte

am planning to start a cattle farm with 10 cattle. kindly advice wat all precautionsshold I taken for this
