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Plantation / Horticulture
High Density Guava
Guava (Psidium guajava) is one of the most common fruits in India. It is quite hardy and prolific bearer. Guava is a commercially significant , highly remunerative crop even without much care. It is a rich source of vitamin C and pectin. It is also a good source of calcium and phosphorus.
Certain important strategies have been identified for enhancing horticulture development in India in order to be competitive in the world market. They involve adoption of modern, innovative and hitech methods. One such strategy is the high density plantation (HDP). This includes adoption of appropriate plant density, canopy management, quality planting material, support and management system with appropriate inputs. HDP generally refers to planting at a closer spacing than the normal recommended spacing. It has been attempted in different crops such as guava, apple ,banana ,mango, pineapple, peach, etc. Many guava farmers have been adopting this technology successfully in different parts of the country. HDP technology results in maximisation of unit area yield and availability of the fruits in the market early which fetch better price.
Guava is successfully grown all over India. The total area and production of guava in the country are 1.90 lakh hectare and 1.68 million tonnes. Major guava producing states are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra , Karnataka , Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. However, Uttar Pradesh, is by far the most important guava producing state of the country and Allahabad has the reputation of growing the best guava in the country as well as in the world.
Guava is very hardy. It can thrive on all types of soil from alluvial to lateric. However, it is sensitive to waterlogging. It can be grown on heavier but well drained soil. Deep friable and well-drained soils are the best. The top soil should be rich for better stand. Soil pH range of 4.5 to 8.2 is congenial for guava but saline or alkaline soils are unsuitable.
Guava is successfully grown under both tropical and subtropical climates. It can grow from sea level to an attitude of about 1500 m (5000'). An annual rainfall of below 1000 mm (40') between June and September is the best for the growth of guava plants. Young plants are susceptible to drought and cold conditions. Yield and quality improve in areas with a distinct winter season.
The most popular guava cultivars are Lucknow 49 , Allahabad Safeda and Harijha. Other varieties preferred by the farmers are Apple, Baruipur Local, Benarasi ,etc. From the view
point of yield and quality, Lucknow-49 may be considered to be the most popular commercial cultivar. Different research institutes have been making efforts to develop some new varieties and hybrids. IIHR, Bangalore, has developed two soft-seeded superior varieties viz., Arka Mridula and Arka Amulya.
Guava is propagated from seeds and also by vegetative methods. Seedling trees produce fruits of variable size and quality although such trees are generally long-lived. Vegetative methods like cutting, air layering, grafting and budding are used for propagation of guava. Air-layering has been observed to be the most successful commercial method practised for guava. The cheapest method of rapid multiplication is stooling, i.e.mound layering in nursery beds.
The field should be deeply ploughed, cross ploughed , harrowed and levelled before digging pits. The pits of about 0.6 m x 0.6m x0.6 m dimension should be dug before the monsoon. After 15-20 days, each pit should be filled with soil mixed with 20 kg of organic manure and 500 g of super phosphate. In very poor soils, the pit size may be bigger, about 1m x 1m x 1m ,and more of organic manures may be necessary. Onset of monsoon is the time to start planting.
Planting density
Standard spacing for guava is , 6m x 6m, accommodating 112 plants /acre. However, it is commonly planted at a distance of 3.6 m to 5.4m (12' to 18'). Traditional planting spaces in some parts of country range even upto 5.4 to 7.0m (18' to 23'). By increasing the plant density, productivity can be increased. Although there would be reduction in size of fruits, the number of fruits per plant remains more or less similar. In the model scheme, a distance of 4.5m x 4.5m (15'x15') with a population of 195 per acre is considered, which was observed to be common in areas covered during a field study.
Normally irrigation is not required in guava plantation. However, in the early stage, young guava plants require 8 to 10 irrigations a year. Life saving hand watering is necessary in summer season in dry areas and on light soils. Full grown bearing trees require watering during May-July at weekly intervals. Irrigations during winter reduce fruit drop and improve fruit size of winter crop. In order to conserve soil moisture from pre-monsoon showers, V shaped or half moon shaped bunds or saucer shaped basins may be made. Drip irrigation has been proved to be very beneficial for guava. Besides saving 60 % of water, it results in substantial increase in size and number of fruits.
d. Manuring and fertilisation
Guava is very responsive to the application of inorganic fertilisers along with organic manures. Soil type , nutrient status and leaf analysis can give better indication for requirement of nutrients. A thumb rule recommendation is considered in this model. NPK may be applied @100, 40 and 40 g per plant year of age, with stabilisation in the 6th year. They may be applied in two equally split doses in January and August.
Spraying the trees with 0.45 kg zinc sulphate and 0.34 kg slaked lime dissolved in 72.74 l (16 gallons) of water cures Zn deficiency. The number of sprays depend on the severity and extent of the deficiency. Pre-flowering sprays with 0.4% Boric Acid and 0.3% Zinc Sulphate increase the yield and fruit size. Spraying of copper sulphate at 0.2 to 0.4% also increases the growth and yield of guava.
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e. Inter culture
The main practices of inter culture followed are weeding and spading. Manual weeding is preferable; spraying weedicides such as gramoxone is also effective. in order to manage the orchard soil, ploughing two times a year, once in October and the other in January , is necessary. Mulching the basins at least twice a year also is important to conserve moisture and discourage weed growth.
f. Intercropping
The interspace can be economically utilised by growing suitable intercrops in the early stages till the bearing. A crop combination of several plantation crops, vegetables and leguminous crops like papaya, pineapple, beans,cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, cowpea, etc., are considered safe intercrops.
g. Training and pruning
Training of guava trees improves yield and fruit quality. The main objective of training guava plants is to provide strong framework and scaffold of branches suitable for bearing a heavy remunerative crop without damaging the branches . For this, shoots coming out close to the ground level should be cut off upto at least 30 cm from the soil. The center should be kept open, while four scaffold limbs may be allowed to grow. A light annual pruning is necessary in guava as it bears on current season's growth. Experimental evidences support pruning off 75% of current season's growth in May for harvesting good winter crop.
Fruit fly, mealy bug, scale insects, etc. are the major pests in guava. The following measures are adopted to control the damage done by these pests:
Fruit fly : (a) Spraying of chemicals like malathion 2 ml, phosphamidon 0.5 ml per l of water .
(b) Destruction of infected fruits and clean cultivation .
Mealybug: (a) Soil treatment with aldrin, malathion, thimet, ete
(b) Banding the base of the plant with polythene film to prevent the nymph from climbing up from
the soil.
(c) Spraying of methyl parathion , monocrotophos or dimethoate.
Scale insect : Spraying of fish oil rosin soap with water or crude oil emulsion,dimetholate, methyl demiton, etc.
The most damaging diseases in guava are wilt and anthracnose. Cancker, cercospora leaf spot, seedling blight. etc., are some other important diseases. Control measures of the major diseases are briefed below:
Wilt disease: Wilt is the most serious fungal disease . Bearing trees , once affected, slowly die away. Drenching the soil at trunk bases with brasicol and spraying the plant with bavistin at early stage of infection minimise the damage. Injecting 8-Quinolonol sulphate is also effective.
Anthracnose: Spraying of Cu-oxychloride, cuprous oxide, difolatan, dithane Z- 78, etc., control this disease.
High Density Guava
Guava (Psidium guajava) is one of the most common fruits in India. It is quite hardy and prolific bearer. Guava is a commercially significant , highly remunerative crop even without much care. It is a rich source of vitamin C and pectin. It is also a good source of calcium and phosphorus.
Certain important strategies have been identified for enhancing horticulture development in India in order to be competitive in the world market. They involve adoption of modern, innovative and hitech methods. One such strategy is the high density plantation (HDP). This includes adoption of appropriate plant density, canopy management, quality planting material, support and management system with appropriate inputs. HDP generally refers to planting at a closer spacing than the normal recommended spacing. It has been attempted in different crops such as guava, apple ,banana ,mango, pineapple, peach, etc. Many guava farmers have been adopting this technology successfully in different parts of the country. HDP technology results in maximisation of unit area yield and availability of the fruits in the market early which fetch better price.
Guava is successfully grown all over India. The total area and production of guava in the country are 1.90 lakh hectare and 1.68 million tonnes. Major guava producing states are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra , Karnataka , Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. However, Uttar Pradesh, is by far the most important guava producing state of the country and Allahabad has the reputation of growing the best guava in the country as well as in the world.
Guava is very hardy. It can thrive on all types of soil from alluvial to lateric. However, it is sensitive to waterlogging. It can be grown on heavier but well drained soil. Deep friable and well-drained soils are the best. The top soil should be rich for better stand. Soil pH range of 4.5 to 8.2 is congenial for guava but saline or alkaline soils are unsuitable.
Guava is successfully grown under both tropical and subtropical climates. It can grow from sea level to an attitude of about 1500 m (5000'). An annual rainfall of below 1000 mm (40') between June and September is the best for the growth of guava plants. Young plants are susceptible to drought and cold conditions. Yield and quality improve in areas with a distinct winter season.
The most popular guava cultivars are Lucknow 49 , Allahabad Safeda and Harijha. Other varieties preferred by the farmers are Apple, Baruipur Local, Benarasi ,etc. From the view
point of yield and quality, Lucknow-49 may be considered to be the most popular commercial cultivar. Different research institutes have been making efforts to develop some new varieties and hybrids. IIHR, Bangalore, has developed two soft-seeded superior varieties viz., Arka Mridula and Arka Amulya.
Guava is propagated from seeds and also by vegetative methods. Seedling trees produce fruits of variable size and quality although such trees are generally long-lived. Vegetative methods like cutting, air layering, grafting and budding are used for propagation of guava. Air-layering has been observed to be the most successful commercial method practised for guava. The cheapest method of rapid multiplication is stooling, i.e.mound layering in nursery beds.
The field should be deeply ploughed, cross ploughed , harrowed and levelled before digging pits. The pits of about 0.6 m x 0.6m x0.6 m dimension should be dug before the monsoon. After 15-20 days, each pit should be filled with soil mixed with 20 kg of organic manure and 500 g of super phosphate. In very poor soils, the pit size may be bigger, about 1m x 1m x 1m ,and more of organic manures may be necessary. Onset of monsoon is the time to start planting.
Planting density
Standard spacing for guava is , 6m x 6m, accommodating 112 plants /acre. However, it is commonly planted at a distance of 3.6 m to 5.4m (12' to 18'). Traditional planting spaces in some parts of country range even upto 5.4 to 7.0m (18' to 23'). By increasing the plant density, productivity can be increased. Although there would be reduction in size of fruits, the number of fruits per plant remains more or less similar. In the model scheme, a distance of 4.5m x 4.5m (15'x15') with a population of 195 per acre is considered, which was observed to be common in areas covered during a field study.
Normally irrigation is not required in guava plantation. However, in the early stage, young guava plants require 8 to 10 irrigations a year. Life saving hand watering is necessary in summer season in dry areas and on light soils. Full grown bearing trees require watering during May-July at weekly intervals. Irrigations during winter reduce fruit drop and improve fruit size of winter crop. In order to conserve soil moisture from pre-monsoon showers, V shaped or half moon shaped bunds or saucer shaped basins may be made. Drip irrigation has been proved to be very beneficial for guava. Besides saving 60 % of water, it results in substantial increase in size and number of fruits.
d. Manuring and fertilisation
Guava is very responsive to the application of inorganic fertilisers along with organic manures. Soil type , nutrient status and leaf analysis can give better indication for requirement of nutrients. A thumb rule recommendation is considered in this model. NPK may be applied @100, 40 and 40 g per plant year of age, with stabilisation in the 6th year. They may be applied in two equally split doses in January and August.
Spraying the trees with 0.45 kg zinc sulphate and 0.34 kg slaked lime dissolved in 72.74 l (16 gallons) of water cures Zn deficiency. The number of sprays depend on the severity and extent of the deficiency. Pre-flowering sprays with 0.4% Boric Acid and 0.3% Zinc Sulphate increase the yield and fruit size. Spraying of copper sulphate at 0.2 to 0.4% also increases the growth and yield of guava.
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e. Inter culture
The main practices of inter culture followed are weeding and spading. Manual weeding is preferable; spraying weedicides such as gramoxone is also effective. in order to manage the orchard soil, ploughing two times a year, once in October and the other in January , is necessary. Mulching the basins at least twice a year also is important to conserve moisture and discourage weed growth.
f. Intercropping
The interspace can be economically utilised by growing suitable intercrops in the early stages till the bearing. A crop combination of several plantation crops, vegetables and leguminous crops like papaya, pineapple, beans,cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, cowpea, etc., are considered safe intercrops.
g. Training and pruning
Training of guava trees improves yield and fruit quality. The main objective of training guava plants is to provide strong framework and scaffold of branches suitable for bearing a heavy remunerative crop without damaging the branches . For this, shoots coming out close to the ground level should be cut off upto at least 30 cm from the soil. The center should be kept open, while four scaffold limbs may be allowed to grow. A light annual pruning is necessary in guava as it bears on current season's growth. Experimental evidences support pruning off 75% of current season's growth in May for harvesting good winter crop.
Fruit fly, mealy bug, scale insects, etc. are the major pests in guava. The following measures are adopted to control the damage done by these pests:
Fruit fly : (a) Spraying of chemicals like malathion 2 ml, phosphamidon 0.5 ml per l of water .
(b) Destruction of infected fruits and clean cultivation .
Mealybug: (a) Soil treatment with aldrin, malathion, thimet, ete
(b) Banding the base of the plant with polythene film to prevent the nymph from climbing up from
the soil.
(c) Spraying of methyl parathion , monocrotophos or dimethoate.
Scale insect : Spraying of fish oil rosin soap with water or crude oil emulsion,dimetholate, methyl demiton, etc.
The most damaging diseases in guava are wilt and anthracnose. Cancker, cercospora leaf spot, seedling blight. etc., are some other important diseases. Control measures of the major diseases are briefed below:
Wilt disease: Wilt is the most serious fungal disease . Bearing trees , once affected, slowly die away. Drenching the soil at trunk bases with brasicol and spraying the plant with bavistin at early stage of infection minimise the damage. Injecting 8-Quinolonol sulphate is also effective.
Anthracnose: Spraying of Cu-oxychloride, cuprous oxide, difolatan, dithane Z- 78, etc., control this disease.