Myself Chetan,I own 10 acres of land which I'm considering to give on lease.
This land is @15kms from City of Aurangaabad-Maharashtra.It is located
@2 kms from main Paithan road.
i am interested in your land.
i would like to know complete detail about the land.
like for eg electricity facility, is it surrounded by any lake, what is the lease period provided, and per year lease rant, is the road facility provided till the land or not. please mail me the complete detail about it
Myself Chetan,I own 10 acres of land which I'm considering to give on lease.
This land is @15kms from City of Aurangaabad-Maharashtra.It is located
@2 kms from main Paithan road.
Dear mr. Chetann
I am interested, pl prove necessary details viz Water Source, Road Approach, Soil Condition, Present Lease if any, Maximum Period of lease can be considered, Yearly Lease Charges, Infrastructure available at Land etc