Farm Land and Farm House in Mysore for lease

Looks interesting, though I am from Bangalore & have a 4 acre, farm NW of Bangalore, looking at the write up (which is quite impressive & exhaustive),I got interested.Please share your contacts, enabling me to get in touch. U can also, reach me on nine nine seven two seven nine zero two two two. Mail me: ssunder9 at gmail dot com.Anticipating a quick response ASAP.

reg lease of agri lands

Dear Sir,

pl call on us on our mobile no. or reply via email to the below mentioned id.

Regret to inform you that, you havent reply for our earlier posts.

Thanks & Regards,

ph; +919880741434


Hai Raghu, Wonder if your requirement of letting / leasing out your farm house has been met. If not, I am looking out for an option of that sort. I am a defence officer and on the lookout for leasing an orchard before I can convince my family to own a farm of our own ! Lemme know if you are interested -
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The Farm is Still available for Lease/Rent

1)What is the minimum/maximum tenure of lease that you are looking at?
We are flexible in lease terms, we would prefer to have lease for minimum 6 months maximum 5 years and if you all like it we can extend it further.

2)Is the property located on the main road? if not, how far is it from the main road and is the road access good to the property from the main road?
The property is located on the main Road, it is kind of corner plot both sides has Tar Road access, we use the side road it is kind of brand new road and very pretty entrance.

Other info about the Farm/Farm House:
1) The House that we built is brand new house, we spent about Rs 11.5 Lakhs, we also have other small houses for watchmen
2) We have a beautiful Gazebo, 10 to 15 people can accommodated in it.
3) Our Partner owns 5.5 acres adjacent farm which is inside the Fence. You can also use it.
4) We had about an acre under drip irrigation, we spent about Rs50,000 but since nobody maintained it it lies unused.
5) My parents from Bangalore visit the farm once in 3 month, we would like to keep the option open for them to visit the farm and pick couple of mangoes, we can talk about it.
6) The income from the farm should cover about half the Lease amount.
7) The Lease Amount is Rs7500 per month
8) If you are interested we will attach some farm photos for you to take a look.

The Farm is located next
Satellite Image

you can reach me
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Dear Sir,
I am interested in your offer.
Kindly respond with more details.
Thanks and regards
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AM Vinod here

I like to have your details on my personal mail id
i am management professional looking for some high tech angri investments.

hope your premsises may work well to me..



We have a beautiful Farm land 9 kms from Mysore Palace for lease.

The Farm Amenities and Details:
1) 2.5 Acres and 5 acres
2) Fully Fenced
3) Borewell with plenty of Water
4) Brand New Farm House, 2 Floors, 2Bedrooms down and 2 Bedroom Up.
5) More Than 100 Mango trees, 100 Coconut trees and other fruit trees
6) 15 minutes drive to Mysore Palace.
7) Yearly income from Mangoes Rs25,000, Coconuts Rs5000.
8) The Farm is located next to
9) The Farm is located on the Mahadevapura Main Road, Every 30 minutes you have buses to Mysore Bus stop.
10) We have swimmingpool not maintained, Can be cleaned and can be utilised.
11) Farm House is all Electric.

We want to lease it because Owner is in USA and no one to take care, the present watchman is not doing a good job.

We expect any offer for lease, Please be reasonable.
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land available

sir ,
r u interested in selling this land , if yes plz contact me

1. We are based in Khajuraho Madhya Pradesh. Its a big world famous tourist spot of India. We have around 300 acres of land 20 Km away from Khajuraho airport.
2. The land is good, water table is only 20 feet, electricity and on road land.want to offer this land on lease or open for any joint agri venture
With regards...Anjani
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1)What is the minimum/maximum tenure of lease that you are looking at?
We are flexible in lease terms, we would prefer to have lease for minimum 6 months maximum 5 years and if you all like it we can extend it further.

2)Is the property located on the main road? if not, how far is it from the main road and is the road access good to the property from the main road?
The property is located on the main Road, it is kind of corner plot both sides has Tar Road access, we use the side road it is kind of brand new road and very pretty entrance.

Other info about the Farm/Farm House:
1) The House that we built is brand new house, we spent about Rs 11.5 Lakhs, we also have other small houses for watchmen
2) We have a beautiful Gazebo, 10 to 15 people can accommodated in it.
3) Our Partner owns 5.5 acres adjacent farm which is inside the Fence. You can also use it.
4) We had about an acre under drip irrigation, we spent about Rs50,000 but since nobody maintained it it lies unused.
5) My parents from Bangalore visit the farm once in 3 month, we would like to keep the option open for them to visit the farm and pick couple of mangoes, we can talk about it.
6) The income from the farm should cover about half the Lease amount.
7) The Lease Amount is Rs7500 per month
8) If you are interested we will attach some farm photos for you to take a look.

The Farm is located next
Satellite Image

you can reach me

Hi Raghu,

We are looking for a farm land in Karnataka which is not less than 5 acres.
I'm fine with the details given.
Please contact me if you are interested: 9731629898

Darwin Augustine

Dear Sir,

I have seen this many times in this portal, but without contact details..

PLs share your details or call me


Venkat - 9880560996

Dear sir

Can you please let me know the average income per year now, your best offer so far and longest period the lease can be given


sir iam intrestig to take your land for lease.please contact me on+917847053747 or ma

We have a beautiful Farm land 9 kms from Mysore Palace for lease.

The Farm Amenities and Details:
1) 2.5 Acres and 5 acres
2) Fully Fenced
3) Borewell with plenty of Water
4) Brand New Farm House, 2 Floors, 2Bedrooms down and 2 Bedroom Up.
5) More Than 100 Mango trees, 100 Coconut trees and other fruit trees
6) 15 minutes drive to Mysore Palace.
7) Yearly income from Mangoes Rs25,000, Coconuts Rs5000.
8) The Farm is located next to
9) The Farm is located on the Mahadevapura Main Road, Every 30 minutes you have buses to Mysore Bus stop.
10) We have swimmingpool not maintained, Can be cleaned and can be utilised.
11) Farm House is all Electric.

We want to lease it because Owner is in USA and no one to take care, the present watchman is not doing a good job.

We expect any offer for lease, Please be reasonable.
sir iamseariuosly intrested to take your land on lease basis.please send your expectation and contact mail id 7847053747thank you.iam waiting for your reply .

I am looking for a farm house in and around Mysore and found your ad.

can you please let me know
1. the lease amount that you expect and the tenure of the lease.
2. Is it available for purchase (Im looking at the smaller portion 2.5 acres) if possible
3. How soon will we be able to settle this as i wish to move in by latest 1st AUG 2013.

We are a family of 5 and wish a 4 bedroom house.

Kindly let me know at the earliest to enable me to plan.

Best wishes,

Hi this is Naresha,a school teacher
I would like to take this up if it works out for both of us.
pls call me 9480088955.

I would not be able to take the land for lease, but yes if given an opportunity will stay back and will take care of the land.

Please respond if you are interested.

Manoj M

Dear Mr. Raghupani.
Is it still available for lease, if yes , I am interested to take these property on lease, I am intersted to do farming in your land and I like to stay in rural area. Pl let me the lease amount and min/max lease time for whole 7.5 acres land and farm house.
We have a beautiful Farm land 9 kms from Mysore Palace for lease.

The Farm Amenities and Details:
1) 2.5 Acres and 5 acres
2) Fully Fenced
3) Borewell with plenty of Water
4) Brand New Farm House, 2 Floors, 2Bedrooms down and 2 Bedroom Up.
5) More Than 100 Mango trees, 100 Coconut trees and other fruit trees
6) 15 minutes drive to Mysore Palace.
7) Yearly income from Mangoes Rs25,000, Coconuts Rs5000.
8) The Farm is located next to
9) The Farm is located on the Mahadevapura Main Road, Every 30 minutes you have buses to Mysore Bus stop.
10) We have swimmingpool not maintained, Can be cleaned and can be utilised.
11) Farm House is all Electric.

We want to lease it because Owner is in USA and no one to take care, the present watchman is not doing a good job.

We expect any offer for lease, Please be reasonable.
