


New Member
Dear sir,
I am interested in the Emu farm, can you please send me the details of emu and how much we have to invest to start and how can we sell or export it.

Please send me the details of this.

HI Suresh,

Emu is a quite easy going stuff. you can contact me I have a emu farm near bangalore and am doing it for the past three years. and it is also catching up very fast in the agriculture sector.
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Dear sir,

Emu cultivation is gaining more importance these days because of the popularity of follwoing Emu products
Emu Birds, Emu Oil, Emu Leather, Emu Eggs, Emu Meat, etc. Emu products are rich in proten and low cholestrol content high productivity than any other livestock.

The land which is not suitable can be used for emu rareing, the area need to be covered with shade nut and 80 Emus can be placed in 1 acre land. the cost of meet around Rs.400/kg, eggs also at grated demond hatchery facility may be taken up for successfull business. emu oil cost around Rs.400 for 100 ml and most importantly life span of Emu bird is 40yrs its start layeing egg for 18 months.so it can be taken up as prominent business.



nisarg animal farming pvt ltd can help you out in this we are dealing in emu bird farming we have emu project of 2,10,000/-for 10 pairs with buy back aggrement of all eggs call us...
Please contact...........
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