Emu Farming




I would like to know details about Emu Farming. Its life cycle, breeding details, production, investments and profit.



Well-Known Member

Emu is a social bird with dark whitish complexion. The birds live in groups & Can thrive under varying climatic conditions ranging 0 degree C. to 52 degree C. These Birds are Omnivorous and eat leaves, vegetables, fruits, insects, worms. They can be feed Modified poultry feed.The birds reach their full size by the end of 1st year. They grow up to 5.5 to 6 feet With a weight of 40to 70 kgs. Laying period in India starts after 18 to 24 months and Eggs are laid during September to February. Eggs are dark bluish green in colour with a weight of 450 to 700 gms . A bird can lay 20-60 eggs in a season. Incubation period is 50- 52 days and newly hatched bird will be of 6-7”in height. The lift span of the bird is 30-35 years. The productive economic life of the bird is 20.25 years.

Finance--Loan from banks with refinance facility from NABARD is available for establishing Emu farm. For obtaining bank loan, the farmer should apply to the nearest branch of a Commercial or Co- operative or Regional Rural Banks in their area in the prescribed forms which is available in the branches of financing banks. The project report should be attached/ enclosed with loan farm. For Emu farming schemes with very large outlays, detailed reports will have to be prepared. The technical officers attached to or the Branch Manager of the bank can help / give guidance to the farmers in preparing the project report to obtain bank loan. A scheme can also be prepared by the beneficiary after consulting local technical
experts or private commercial Emu hatcheries. Consultancy Services of NABARD would also be available for large commercial projects.

Emu is a social bird and can thrive under varying climatic conditions ranging 0° F. to 100° F. The climate suitable for poultry farms is also suitable for Emu farming.
In Maharashtra there are private Emu hatcheries supplying the Emu pairs of different age groups i.e. 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and 15 months old. The detail addresses of hatcheries are as below:-
Poultry feed (layer) can also be fed to Emu. In addition to poultry feed mineral mixture and shell/ stone grit can be given. Sprouted desi Chana and Methi can also be fed during layer season. During summer season chopped vegetables like cabbage, carrot, beetroot, etc. can also be fed.



Active Member
Green Tree Agro Farms - EMU Farming

Hi ,
We are happy to provide all the details and guidence for EMU Farming.
We have EMU Chicks aged between 4 to 6 months old hatched in our farm from breeder emu's.
All of them were vaccinated and raising in professionall well maintained farm.
We provide training, setup guidence for EMU farming.
We also provide training, setup guidence for GOAT/SHEEP farming.
Please contact us for more information..
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New Member
training for sheep farming

where we get training for sheep/goat farming

khader basha
Please contact..
Hi ,
We are happy to provide all the details and guidence for EMU Farming.
We have EMU Chicks aged between 4 to 6 months old hatched in our farm from breeder emu's.
All of them were vaccinated and raising in professionall well maintained farm.
We provide training, setup guidence for EMU farming.
We also provide training, setup guidence for GOAT/SHEEP farming.
Please contact us for more information..
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