i plan to set up an emu farm in maharashtra, 150 kms from mumbai. can u please give me datails like costing, buy back, space required, feed cost etc. any othe details will be appreciated
yash j
PLease visit a nearby emu farm before you start one yourself. There are 2 famous emu farms at maharashtra, one is thee aditya emu farm (Welcome to Aditya Emu farm), the oother is the sami emu farm. They supply chicks also. you will get complete informtaion about costing, advantages and disadvantages about emu farm
Emu farming is going through tough time right now. So before inversting your hadr earned money in this, take proper knowledge about the industry from Kalpatru Emu Training and Research Centre.
This will give you idea whether you should invest your money into this or not.