Emu Bird Farming

hello sir,

want to know whether there is a real market for emu meat, oil, feathers & etc in U.S, EUROPEAN & AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. i had contacted some relatives and freinds in U.S and they said that they,, havent seen selling emu meat in the grocery stores there & havent seen a Menu card in the restaurant with Emu meat on it.

and some persons are saying that big emu farms are just hyping the bussines.

and even NABARD AND BANK MANAGERS are hesitating to sanction the loans due to very poor market of the emu products.

can some one give me clarity for this :confused:


G Prabhakar Reddy

As you asked for emu meat marketing,
Emu meat marketing will be a great service to this humanity than
profit making. Because of its unique qualities in health consciousness.
If we could able reduce heart patients at least by 1 %. It could be great
service. and we can explain many more about these products.
As for Bank loan concerned I have received loan from bank
on this project.
Pl go through average daily consumption of meat in India .
For detailed discussion you can call us at


G Prabhakar Reddy
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NABARD or Banks Do not Hestitate for Emu Loans

Please understand that Nabard or the Commercial Banks do not hesitate to give loans regarding the Emu Farms. Also you should understand that emu products are no cheaper products to be available throughout the Malls or super markets in US or anywhere in the World. The real reason is we do not have the real population of Emu birds in India or anywhere in the world , to proceed with the slaughtering of the Birds to provide it as a Daily nutrition.
Also the Nabard and the Banks do put yourself through a heavy and a difficult period of understanding for yourself and themselves to understand the whereabouts of the real Market.
It is true the Emu Markets is hyped , being a Business Man in Emu Industry i Feel the emu business is destroyed not by Companies but by the Agents who make their Living with the sale of the Birds.,
I strongly emphasize the points to be observed during the Making , purchase , and Maintenance of the Emu Farms & Emu Birds.

  • Understand prior to all the facts that a First Egg laying bird can never give you 40 eggs. It is possible only with the 5th or the 6th year bird and after through a balanced nutrition.
  • The Standard cost of Emu Birds is not yet disclosed by the so called Agents. Why?
  • The Sexing of the Emu Birds is of a higher priority and to be understood by everyone in the industry , But it is kept a Secret . Why?
  • The Nutrition plays a important role in the laying of Eggs , It is kept a secret by some feed manufacturers . why havent anyone taken a step to understand the process?
  • check out this website " Quality Emu Meat, Highest Quality Emu Oil & Emu Oil Products " for your understanding But the real understanding can be got from one & only website " www.aea-emu.org" American Emu Association through proper membership only.

We should not see only the Failures , but Learn the reasons from and for the failures before any Declaration

111,Kaliamman Koil Street
Shanarpatty (P.O)
Pincode : 624304
Mobile no: +919994089118


Dear Vidyasankar,

Appreciate your bold and open statement on this.

Scenario will change soon, which is inevitable.

There are few points worth noting:

1. Emu meat and Oil extraction is the way to go to develop this industry.

2. Emu meat is tasting like Beef, but with no bad effects of beef. Hence there is a huge untapped market potential in Kerala region and Middle East, where Buffalo and Cow meat are exported and used. Somehow, it would save "Cow Slaughtering" as well.

3. People are keep saying, there is not enough Emu population to start Emu Slaughtering house. But, have anybody done any marketing of Emu meat as "diet meat"?. Marketing of Diet meat starts from preparing a tastier way of cooking Emu meat recipes and selling it upmarket consumers as diet meat. Once there is a recipe available and the food items made by Emu meat is realised, the demand will automatically pick up, where there will be regional slaughter houses, which would suck tons of emu meat into it. Somebody has to start it, who is going to roll the dice? Individuals or Associations?

4. How many Emu Oil companies are out there in India to produce pharma grade purified oil? to my knowledge none. if somebody has any info, please let me know. What stops one to start such oil processing facility, which would consume large quantity of Emu Oil? This will eventually lead to cull the birds and the resultant meat has to be marketed, somehow.

A simple calculation for meat requirement if it replaces the regular mutton or beef or chicken together, based on health-conscious grounds:

A small suburb with a population of 50,000 people, assuming it consumes, around 150 kgs per day of meat, where 10% of Emu meat is replaced, which is 15 Kg/day. Half-a-bird will give 15 Kg, which eventually translates to 3 birds a week, which is 156 birds a year. To generate 156 birds for culling, it has to be reared for 18 months, which leads to 312 birds has to be maintained in the farm a year to meet this requirement. Imagine, how big is India, how many such small suburbs are there in India, the resultant numbers are huge.

By the way, now the mutton price has soared up to 360/Kg, whereas some of the Emu farmers are selling Emu meat at 300/Kg. So, its time to market Emu meat, as diet meat.

But, anybody know who is buying the Emus for Slaughtering Purpose???

thank you every one for the valuable information. i am planned to start 2 farms with 100 birds each at different locations. and i had confidence that i can market meat and oil in our indian market.
thank u
