Earn good returns by planting melia dubia



Active Member
Melia Dubia is a tree which can be harvested after 7years(max 8years). The tree is a very fast growing tree which can be planted at a distance of 10feet by 10feet, ie around 425trees per acre. A tree sells around {approx Rs8000} at current pricing. Then the yeild per acre is 400trees *Rs8000=Rs32lakhs. If grown in 3.5acres, an earning of approx 1crore or more can be expected.The price of the tree keeps increasing year after year.

We have melia dubia saplings in Mysore-Karnataka state of ideal height for the saplings to be planted. The saplings are grown through seed germination which makes the tree still robust in nature.we have planted melia dubia in our farm.

Call us for requirement of melia dubia saplings on [9880589787] or mail to [venkateursarun@yahoo.com].

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The Melia Dubia tree will be mostly used for Playwood making.And also it's has medicinal value and used for fodder of cattle.No body Dnt fear about disease.Regarding spacing dimension of melia Dubia plantation will be low density and high density plantation.Among the both type of plantation low density is advisable.

For more details plz.contact us:

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,

The major use of melia Dubia tree will be in Playwood industry.There is no alternate for melia Dubia timber for manufacturing the Playwood products.The above said purpose we can grow the melia Dubia tree for 7 to 8 years will be enough.The melia Dubia tree logs are also utilised for match box sticks,photo frames,pencils(Nataraj Pencil company using the melia dubia wood) mini furnitures like stools,benches,wooden tables and interior decoration instead of Playwood.The melia Dubia timber can be used for window doors,wooden racks,house entrance doors (the age of the melia Dubia tree will be minimum fifteen years).In Coimbatore District ,Palladam Taluk one farmer brought one melia Dubia seedling from Karnataka border and planted it in land not aware of melia Dubia.Now it has attain the age of 10 years old.The timber merchants quote the price for that tree was Rs 15000/-one tree.But he told I never cut the tree because this is my "Lakshmi"goddess to me.So very bright and fantastic demand in future .In India the play wood industries are availiable in Karnataka,Pervauor ,kochi in Kerala ,Kolkotha ,Guaghati & Dimmapur,in north eastern province and Yamuna nagar Dist in Punjab.

For more details plz.contact us:

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,

Need information on Heebevu

we are planning to plant Hebbevu in 5 acres in Tumkur (Karnataka). Please help me by providing information on Hebbevu like
1. What is the right time to sell i.e. height and girth(circumference) parametres for sale
2. At what price i can sell a tree.

nagamale hebbevu Nursery

melia dubia plants available
good and quntety

nagamale hebbevu Nursery
Mysore Sanju N Ph 07022214758

Information about Melia Dibia

Melia Dubia is a tree which can be harvested after 7years(max 8years). The tree is a very fast growing tree which can be planted at a distance of 10feet by 10feet, ie around 425trees per acre. A tree sells around {approx Rs8000} at current pricing. Then the yeild per acre is 400trees *Rs8000=Rs32lakhs. If grown in 3.5acres, an earning of approx 1crore or more can be expected.The price of the tree keeps increasing year after year.

We have melia dubia saplings in Mysore-Karnataka state of ideal height for the saplings to be planted. The saplings are grown through seed germination which makes the tree still robust in nature.we have planted melia dubia in our farm.

Call us for requirement of melia dubia saplings on [9880589787] or mail to [venkateursarun@yahoo.com].


Can you grow Melia Dubia in West Bengal ? Where can I get the detailed information?

The MELIA DUBIA will grows very fast than other kinds tree plants in the world.And also the Melia Dubia will not any type of hi-tech like micro or macro propagation .The seed germinated (silviculture process) seedling is enough for plantations.The clonel propagation (macro ) saplings can be utilised in plantations.Normally the macro propagation saplings are not having the tap roots.An account of this the Melia Dubia will not tolerate the high velocity winds,heavy storms and heavy rain fall.So seed germinated seedlings are very suitable for ideal and safety cultivation.We are having the good quality in genuine breed of Melia Dubia seedlings for ready to plant.

For more details Plz.contact us :

A Sivakumar,
PRIYA Nursery Garden,

Dear Karthik sir,

You have stated that you want plant Melia Dubia in five acres.I think so in Tumkur area covered by black soil and Paddy fieldsBoth kinds of the soils are not suitable for ""Hebbeuv "plantations.The redsoil is very suitable for MELIA DUBIA plantation.Kindly ensure and check your land soil type.We are having the good quality in genuine breed of Melia Dubia promoted by seed germinated method.

A Sivakumar,

I have 4 Acre of Land in Tekmal Mandal of Medak Dist. Telengana

Good Morning Venkat,

I have 4 Acre of Land in Tekmal Mandal of Medak Dist. Telengana.

I want to utilize my agriculture land. Can u send me detail of service charges & Term & conditions for Melia dubia tree plantation.

Mohammed Majeed

Melia Dubia is a tree which can be harvested after 7years(max 8years). The tree is a very fast growing tree which can be planted at a distance of 10feet by 10feet, ie around 425trees per acre. A tree sells around {approx Rs8000} at current pricing. Then the yeild per acre is 400trees *Rs8000=Rs32lakhs. If grown in 3.5acres, an earning of approx 1crore or more can be expected.The price of the tree keeps increasing year after year.

We have melia dubia saplings in Mysore-Karnataka state of ideal height for the saplings to be planted. The saplings are grown through seed germination which makes the tree still robust in nature.we have planted melia dubia in our farm.

Call us for requirement of melia dubia saplings on [9880589787] or mail to [venkateursarun@yahoo.com].


Good Morning

I have 4 Acre of Land in Tekmal Mandal of Medak Dist. Telengana.

I want to utilize my agriculture land. Can u send me detail of service charges & Term & conditions for Melia dubia tree plantation.

Mohammed Majeed

Melia Dubia ( Malabar Neem ) Plants available.

Dear All..
Melia Dubia Plants available
We can supply 5 lakh plants every month.
All India Spot delivery available

Contact us for more details.
Aadithya Neem Nursery.
email:- aadityaforestry@gmail.com

Sir ,
Can we cultivate melia dubia in black soil . Some are saying we can cultivate any soil but some are not . Thanks for ur early reply.

Thanks & regards
Ajit Reddy
