Dry Mushroom Sale Society Tamilnadu Group

Dear Surma Achar,

Amongst all the varieties which are sold fresh and which are sold dry or both (fresh and dry)?

Rajani-Editorial team.
Most commonly sold and accepteed in the Indian Market and Hospitality Industry is Oyster,Shitake, Reishi, Mushroom and Button Mushroom.
All are sold fresh and dry depending on the usage and composition it is used for.
Ex. All the dry variety has more shelf life and availability throughout the year long. can be used in the research and medicines for above mentioned ailments.
As told by
Surma S.Achar.

Hey Pallavi,

Hi, I read your thread here, actually I am looking for same guidance. I am interested in setting up a small scale up for Mushroom culture too. I am looking for people who could provide me with guidance around Mumbai and Pune. Will definitely let you know if I hear back from any one. Any help from your side would be appreciated also,


Thank you Ritu for your post,

surely we will be connect via this forum. please let me know if you receive any information regarding mushroom farming and business.


Most commonly sold and accepteed in the Indian Market and Hospitality Industry is Oyster,Shitake, Reishi, Mushroom and Button Mushroom.
All are sold fresh and dry depending on the usage and composition it is used for.
Ex. All the dry variety has more shelf life and availability throughout the year long. can be used in the research and medicines for above mentioned ailments.
As told by
Surma S.Achar.
What are the procedures to follow up to start the mushroom cultivation viz., need any licence or certificate from Food Processing Authority or any other formalities to start with?
Rajani-Editorial team.

I wanted to start up mushroom business. I have place to grow it and also hold a training in molecular biology to perform lab based experiements.

I will be very much thankful if you could provide me some information regarding mushroom consultancy, training information and spawn, compost suppliers in Rajasthan specialy jodhpur and pune (Maharasthra).

Hi Pallavi,

This thread is completely dedicated to information on Mushroom Cultivation.

You can put all your questions on Mushroom here and the experts plus the people who are doing mushroom cultivation shall answer your queries.

Shweta - Editorial Team

Hey Pallavi,

Hi, I read your thread here, actually I am looking for same guidance. I am interested in setting up a small scale up for Mushroom culture too. I am looking for people who could provide me with guidance around Mumbai and Pune. Will definitely let you know if I hear back from any one. Any help from your side would be appreciated also,

Hi Rutuja,

You too can let us know your questions on Mushroom Cultivation through this thread, it would be answered by the concerned person.

Shweta - Editorial Team

What are the procedures to follow up to start the mushroom cultivation viz., need any licence or certificate from Food Processing Authority or any other formalities to start with?
Rajani-Editorial team.
One has to take a proper training from a known authorized or certified cultivator to gain the theoretical knowledge, economics behind the project, calculated risk along with practical experience. Get certified and then start cultivation, to get the best quality 'spawn ' along with good yield proportionately.
As told by
Surma Achar,

Dear Readers

What are the prospects of mushroom marketing in India. How can mushroom grower can contact the buyers of Mushroom?

Please share the information.

Rajani-Editorial team.

Dear Readers

What are the prospects of mushroom marketing in India. How can mushroom grower can contact the buyers of Mushroom?

Please share the information.

Rajani-Editorial team.
Marketing is the essence of all this effort put in for cultivating which will give instant result, a feed back how best our product is in the market.

Marketing in India for all types of Mushrooms, we have different modes and ways to publish, advertise and spread awareness, there is a huge requirement, so prospects are very bright.

As told by
Surma S.Achar.


Dear Surma Achar,

If someone is growing one kind of mushroom variety then is it possible to switch to another variety in the same area and infrastructure after sometime?

Rajani-Editorial team

Dear Surma Achar,

If someone is growing one kind of mushroom variety then is it possible to switch to another variety in the same area and infrastructure after sometime?

Rajani-Editorial team
Growing one kind of variety is like specialization, has its own advantages. Few varieties can be grown with little change in the process of cultivation, spawn, temperature control, and variation in humidity level.
As told by
Surma S.Achar.


Questionnaire Answers
[1] How much is the primary investment required for Mushroom Cultivation? What is the minimum area where mushroom can be cultivated for commercial purpose?
The primary investment for mushroom cultivation depends on the kind of mushroom species and its requirements, the level of technology utilized and the volume of product. Someone can start a mushroom culture set spending a few hundred dollars, making use of simple and inexpensive devices for substrate preparation or, on the contrary, a high cost system involving hundred thousand dollars by utilizing mixing machines, steam boilers and specialized peoples. Cultivation growing houses are also an important component for cost evaluation. Thatch houses are cheaper and maintains temperature and air moisture dispensing climate controlling devices, but its use is best recommended for small growers. The species chosen and volume of mushroom produced determine the kind of technology and infrastructure necessary. The button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is the more expensive species. This mushroom grows on composted substrate whose preparation needs industrial loaders, pasteurization chambers, biggest growing house with insulation and nebulization and ventilation equipment among others high cost components that increase dramatically the initial inversions, beside of.
[2] How many different varieties of Mushroom could be cultivated in a small set up? Please also tell about market value of mushroom?
The primary decomposer species are the best choice for small set cultivation. These varieties of mushrooms do not need prior composting of the materials used for substrate preparation. They grew quickly and have ability to degrade a large number of agro industrial wastes, such as banana stalk, sugarcane bagasse, sawdust, coconut shell, paper, textile residues, etc. The most common species of primary decomposers are oyster mushroom (and the Pleurotus tribe) shiitake or oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes), paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae) and milky mushroom (Calocybe indica).
[3] How to decide what kind of Mushroom can be cultivated?
The variety characteristics should be known, it´s the first aspect to be considered. These characteristics are also called Growth Parameters that include temperature, CO2 concentration light requirements for spawn run, primordial formation and fuitbody development and cropping cycle that hold out from 3 to 16 weeks depending on the species. The second point to take into account is raw material availability, such as straws, sugarcane bagasse, cotton agrowastes and other cellulosic materials. The third point is the local environment characteristics. Temperature, air humidity and/or seasonal climate variation along the year are important factor for mushroom physiological development. Confronting these three aspects it will find a consistent criterion for the kind of Mushroom to be cultivated.
[4] Amongst all the varieties which are sold fresh and which are sold dry or both (fresh and dry)?
All varieties mentioned before, except the button white mushroom, can be sold fresh or dry. The criteria for processing or not mushroom are the volume of product and distance between the growers and the buyers. Shelve life of the kind of mushroom also should be account to decide to dry it.
[5] What are the procedures to follow up to start the mushroom cultivation viz., need any licence or certificate from Food Processing Authority or any other formalities to start with?
Mushrooms are considered as horticultural products and commonly do not need special licenses for cultivation. However, is depends on the local laws, commercial demands or use of post-harvest processes. This situation is found when mushrooms are canned. In case of canned mushrooms safe health conditions is necessary, because it involves an industrial process with a large volume of product, and harsh standards are established by Food Processing Authorities. Organic culture of mushroom also needs special certification. In this, case the organic certification is a complicate question once this kind of culture requires certification of all related process, such as raw materials, manure, supplements, and spent or other residue destination.
[6] What are the prospects of mushroom marketing in India. How can mushroom grower can contact the buyers of Mushroom?
Agriculture is a main strength of economy in India. The great variety and large volumes of cellulosic residues generate by crops are, in most cases, suitable for mushroom substrate preparation. Then, mushroom culture appears an great alternative of sustainability. In other hand, the lack in protein supply allied to global population growth becomes it into a considerable alternative for food security. In India, the mushroom production shot up from mere 5,000 tonnes in 1990 to over 100,000 tonnes in 2010. The areas where is concentrated mushroom production in India are the temperate regions for the button mushroom, and tropical and sub-tropical for oyster, paddy straw and others tropical mushrooms. Seasonal cultures for button mushroom are done outdoor with one crop for season only, while two or three crops are achieved in growing houses for the same species. In case of others species, paddy straw, oyster, shiitake or milky mushroom, more than three crops are produced per annum in growing houses. Actually in India, like in others developing countries, demonstrate be a promising economic activity.
In regard to relations between producers and buyers, I believe that the former should organize themselves in Associations to realize commercial and logistic operations. By means of Associations or Cooperative Companies growers can provide more easily contact to buyer as well as negotiate price and time of payment.
[7] If someone is growing one kind of mushroom variety then is it possible to switch to another variety in the same area and infrastructure after sometime?
By utilizing appropriate technology and strains, the grower may not only switch to another variety but also cultivate two or more species simultaneously, since observing time of life cycle, environmental conditions (light, temperature, air humidity) and nutritional requirements of strains. Oyster and milky mushroom, for example, may be cultivate both in the same growing house at same time.
[8] What are the factors to be considered to have best quality of mushroom produced? The factors affecting mushroom quality are fruitbody size and shape, health safety, absence of microbial and chemical contamination. The criterion that warrant this factors are determined by genetic quality of strains and technology used for substrate preparation and mushroom growing.
[9] In how much time one can expect the returns from Mushroom cultivation?
Depending on the technological level and area size, return can be achieved at first crops (in small set culture) or since first year of crop (in great investments). However the rate of return is function of price practiced by market.
[10] What are the important points to be known before starting the mushroom cultivation?
I believe that important points were shown in previous questions. However, like all well planned commercial activity, mushroom cultivation has to take into account localization, distance between grower and buyer, raw material and growth technology availability. After these important points are considered, an economic evaluation should be done in a worksheet of any software. It is auspicious that mushroom growing is integrate to traditional activities as agriculture, husbandry or poultry since crops and animal farm wastes may be used as raw material for mushroom and mushroom wastes may be used as crop fertilizes or animal feed. This kind of strategies would reinforce both distinct activities.

Co-operative mushroom production through Self Help Group.

The central govt and various finance institutes provide the assistance for the SHG venture. The SHG can produce mushroom on Small Sale level in cluster . All the Produce can be processed at one location. The model is very good. It can be worked in the remote area. We can provide the complete project report for the same.

any mushroom we can sell in dried and fresh.depending on the buyer requirement.mostly oyster,reishi and shitake are sold in dried form.button,milkyand straw in fresh form and tinnedform.agaricus bisporus is not atropical mushroom as ms surma achar said it is a temparate mushroom.agaricus bitorquis popularly known as summer white button mushroom is a tropical variety and as ms surma said that reishi requires cold atmosphere is not right as it requires high temparature between 25 to 35c.any doughts related to mushrooms can contact me.on zero nine seven zero four two three eight eight zero eight

with regards

start mushroom business

dear, sir
i am live in sankheda at gujarat. i want your guadince for start business.
so please call me
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You will need cold storage if interested kindly give us a call and we will more than happy to assist you


M. Charaniya

dear ankit
i can guide u on each and every aspect so kindly conyact me
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