Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

Hello all,

Please find enclosed a few pictures of Dorper lambs at 80 days.Hope you find them interesting.

Best Regards
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As said earlier, The colour in Dorper is only about the colour and nothing else . Here you find the growth patterns and muscle distribution very similar.
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Great Job...

Dear Ravi Sir,

I agree with your statement " Broiler chicken for sheep industry ".

Great job done and all the best.



New Member
Wow, Yes we need this kind of breeds here! congratulate you on well achomplished job and thank you for this initiative to bring this great breed here in India and one day i hope to have them at my farm



Ravi Sir,

You have done it. Thanks for keeping us updated and congrats for bringing this exotic breed to Karnataka first time.

It would have been more informative if you included the weight as you did last time.

Suresh Heggade

Dear Mr.Suresh,

Thank you for all the appreciation.In regard to the weights! Yeah, missed it while posting,They are weighing anywhere between 27 to 31 kgs.

Best Regards


As said earlier,it will take sometime for us to really start to give away Dorper sheep.However chilled and frozen semen shall be available from next year onwards.

Please feel free to get in touch for any further queries.

Best Regards
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Senior Member
Dear sir,

first let congratulate you....!!! n many nos. at present....your dream kids.

when u can provide few i.e 2-3 of your kids...

all the best,

thanks n regards,



Mr. Ravi, Where is your farm located? is this Droper breads from newzeland with "EMBRYO Adoption" on the local variety - I mean cross mix (or) purely Droper variety? My understanding is Droper needs cold weather conditions or minimun average conditions not having any heat index (tempratures no greater then 40'C)

Correct me if I am wrong on this...


Active Member
hello Mr.ravi,
you have done a great job .you are doing the job what our animal husbandry department should do.let them learn something from you.
really I was happy and impressed by seeing your livestock when i visited your farm.
Since i was busy and you were also busy with bank officials on the day of visit i left early.
lets meetup some time in the city sir.
with regards,
swaroop reddy

Mr.Kasturiraju,I surely remember you! Hope your dairy unit is doing well.

Thanx swaroop ! for appreciating our work. and Mr.Reddy, Dorper is quite hardy and they are South African and they are there all over the world thriving in wide variety of temperatures ranging from -5 to 52 degree centigrade.

Best Regards
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Hi suresh

Iam Upendra shetty, 4m Bangalore iam interested in dorper sheep farm in Bangalore, were is u r farm in Karnataka , mail me
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