New Member
Dear Sir can you please share your contact details ?
Dear Mr. subbareddy & Kiran,
Thank you for your kind words.
Please note that in a 100 animal farm all the animals are not milking & the cycle is maintained in such a way that around 60% of the animals are always milking.
As a result you will have a a continuous & constant supply of milk for sale.
The animals in this case are giving around 15-20 litres of milk on an average & as such the calculation shows 1000 litres /day.
For a newcomer it is always wiser to start with a low yielding animal as he is not experienced however he can gradually increase the average milk yield.
( Or it will be like a fellow who does not even know how to drive a car PROPERLY wants to enter the RACE with a Ferrari & inends to Win too).
Once again I will request you all to please do call me ANYTIME ( 24 X 7 ) so that I can explain dairy farming in precise details very easily & sytematically. You may find my number on linkedin or any of the Replies in Blogs.
Dairy farming is not at a subject to be discussed on Mails.
Dr.Chandrakiran N.Sant
Dairy Advisor
(Cattle Nutrition & Management)[