desi chicks poultry farming.



New Member
hi friends,
i am from solapur,karmala.completed my graduation and now planned for poultry business. I was thanking to start with 1000 desi birds.but now my shed is nearly ready. Now the size of shed is 30 ft X 100 ft. I have no experience about poultry farming. I have few doubts
1. Is it posible to run 1-2 batches without making hard floor.
2. Can any feed company provide feed on 1 months credit?
I had arranged finance from my all friends to start a business. But now all finance has gone in construction of shed. I was thinking to start with a batch of 1000 birds.but many of my friends told me that 1st few batches will give me more profit as its a new fresh shed.

Hi Mahesh,
Congratulations on your step. All the best for your endeavour. for the benefit of people in the forum can you let us know how much did it cost for the constuction of the shed and its constructionplan if you can upload some images of the shed it would help us immensely


Thank you agri_lover. Untill now I have spent 3 lack rupees and still the shed is under construction. After completing the sheets covering and net fixing I will surely upload the pics. Now i am uploading one pic. I will post the total costing and the poultry plan once the construction gets completed.

If you are not able to view the image follow this link :- Poultry Shed Photo
Take care. Kind Regards,
Mahesh Dhere
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