delers wanted



dealers wanted for our bio pesticide product

our product is a non-residue eco-friendly natural biofungicide, with significant added values to humans and the environment.

it is the new generation of biofungicides for the control of powdery mildews, downy mildews, rust and early & late blight diseases in vegetables, herbs, grapevines and orchards.

Mode of Action

it is a biofungicide based on a plant extract of the alternifoliadeveloped . The natural components contained in it and offer multiple modes of action on fungal cells, representing the unique fungicidal capabilities ofalternifolia.

it brings with it a new concept and dimension for highly effective and sustainable disease control.

it is an eco-friendly non-residual fungicide, harmless to beneficial insects and bees, that offers human and environment safety.

it exhibits prophylactic and curative efficacy which acts against various stages of the pathogenesis.

it is an excellent tool for effective resistance management due to its being a multi- component compound with multi-site fungicidal activity.

it is a proprietary multi-component natural biofungicide.

Controlled Diseases

it has a proven efficacy in numerous studies as well as commercial use in assorted crops against various diseases:

Downy mildew

Powdery mildew

Early blight and Late blight



Black Sigatoka

it is used in intensive/high value crops
Vegetables-cucurbits, tomato, pepper and more,Grapevines table & wine grapes


Herbs & spices

Fruits and berries




An effective wide range natural biofungicide, Safe to the environment

No residues

Best Tool for Resistance Management.

Ideal product in alternation programs

Harmless to beneficial insects and bees.

No PHI (Pre Harvest Interval) limitationsandNo re-entry limitations

No stains on the crop

Zero toxic load

Suitable for Conventional and Organic Farming and Organic Certified

30ml in 12 ltrs of water.


Active Member
Bio pesticide

Dear sir,
we are in need of bio-fungicide. If your good self issue sample we will revert back to you with our requirement .
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