- Good milking buffalo breed are Murrha, Surti, Mehsana and Jafrabadi all these suitable for maharashtra region.
-nagpuri are local breeds found in marathwada and vidarbh region are also suitable
- for the milk purpose Mehsana and Surti are best breed and it is purchased from Surat, Ahemedabad and Mehsana Districts of Gujrath State.
-Murrha bufflo are originated and distributed near delhi and so these buffaloes are also called as delhi buffalo. and available at rohtak,panjab and adjecent area of delhi
generallygood quality buffalo giving 16 liter of milk will cost ranging from 25 to 35 thousand
start a buffalo farm and prospectus are good but it is not economical to start with large no of buffaloes you have to increase your stock slowly
For training you can please visit a nearby KVK