Dairy planning required, need to start from zero



New Member
I want to start a dairy, i have water, land to house the dairy and to grow grass. i do not have cows. I want min dependency on human labor and maxmise automation. Also need detailed ROI plan, subsidy facilities available from govt, bank, etc, Looking for cows, equipment, floor plan and layout, if there is service to setup the entire thing,.... The dairy need to be setup in Karnataka.


Dear Mr. Murthy ,

We can establish your Farm Dairy Project at your own Agro – Commercial land area and with Complete infrastructure for Farm sector based on Productive herd , shed design and construction , bio gas and waste recycling management , milking parlor , Milking machines , vaccines , dairy lab equipments , medicines , productive and reproductive technologies , Vety. Clinic set up , cooling equipments , dairy farm sanitizers , nutrition for productive animals , routine shed + milking + feeding + breeding + milk process section management , Cattle Feed Unit , Manpower management with HY Dairy Cows & Buffaloes , etc…

We are the Team of Dairy Project Consultancy Services from Rajasthan & M.P. Plz contact us for any complete Dairy Project from 100 to 5000 animals farm with farm-linked milk processing units , loose + semi loose + tethering system of housing , shed hygiene and sanitation , farm feed unit , fodder preservation systems , animals health and treatment systems , breeding and A.I. systems , routine farm mgmt. and work analysis , machine milking with milking management , calving & labour management , basic trainings to dairy staff , biogas unit , herd selection and control etc.. For Large dairy Farm sector in big farm areas , we can develop the range systems or folding unit systems under routine grazings.. For Example :: 220 animals - you have to construct 4 nos. of T-T shed with each capacity of 60 cow/buffaloes with one shed for calves and heifers.. the actual design and estimates will finalize after land survey of project area for accuracy of measurements ..We have basket of choice for your project from 100 animals to 2000 herd strength within 24 months as per our consultancy norms ..for design of comfort sheds , it is essential to floor types , slopes , animal to animal distance , manger height , tethering hooks , shallow channel , sunrise / sunset directions , water trough , open area facilities with basic structures etc.. If you want to contact with us , plz mail / call : sarkar41419@gmail.com

With all best wishes ,

Dr. D.N. Sarkar
GGDFCS India - Ratlam .
Mob.: 094245-29457 / 081034-88787 / 094248-24775

I want to start a dairy, i have water, land to house the dairy and to grow grass. i do not have cows. I want min dependency on human labor and maxmise automation. Also need detailed ROI plan, subsidy facilities available from govt, bank, etc, Looking for cows, equipment, floor plan and layout, if there is service to setup the entire thing,.... The dairy need to be setup in Karnataka.


Dear Mr. Murthy,

You can reach us for further advancement for the entire consultation and complete business plan for the same.
Mobile: 9972244891

