Dairy firm

Planning for dairy firm. Suggest me from where do I need to start. Resources like land, water ,labour are available. Highly appreciate your valuable suggestions.

hello Sir
the points to be considered for dairy farming are:
Construct shed on dry, properly raised ground.
Avoid water-logging, marshy and heavy rainfall areas.
The walls of the sheds should be 1.5 to 2 meters high.
The walls should be plastered to make them damp proof.
The roof should be 3-4 metres high.
The cattle shed should be well ventilated.
The floor should be pucca/hard, even non-slippery impervious, well sloped (3 cm per metre).
Provide 0.25 metre broad, pucca drain at the rear of the standing space.
A standing space of 2 x 1.05 metre for each animal is needed.
The manger space should be 1.05 metre with front height of 0.5 metre and depth of 0.25 metre.
The corners in mangers, troughs, drains and walls should be rounded for easy cleaning.
Provide 5-10 sq. metre loaf space for each animal.
Provide proper shade and cool drinking water in summer.
In winter keep animals indoor during night and rain.
Provide individual bedding daily.
Maintain sanitary condition around shed.
Control external parasites (ticks, flies etc.) by spraying the pens, sheds with Malathion or Copper sulphate solution.
Drain urine into collection pits and then to the field through irrigation channels.
Dispose of dung and urine properly. A gobar gas plant will be an ideal way.
Give adequate space for the animals.
Purchase freshly calved animals in their second/third lactation.
Before purchasing, ascertain actual milk yield by milking the animal three times consecutively.
Identify the newly purchased animal by giving suitable identification mark (ear tagging or tattooing).
Vaccinate the newly purchased animal against disease.
Feed the animals with best feeds and fodders.
Consult the nearest veterinary aid centre for help if illness is suspected.

Pls contact NABARD for queries related to policy, planning and operation in the field of agricultural credit.


Where are you based ?

and what is the current land holding and demand for milk there ? (COW or Buffalo)

Major decisions would have to be taken based on these factors.


Heramb Gupte
