Dairy Farming



New Member
Hi Experts,

I want to start Dairy Farm Business. Around 500 cows. So please provide me the following details.

1) How much acres of land require???
2) Approximate Cost for this plant .
3) From where can I get finance ? Can I get finance from NABARD under agricularal model .. ???

Please suggest.

Nilesh Chakkar
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dairy farming on modern advanced techniques

Hi Nilesh,I provide detailed practical guidence in modern methods of dairy farming.I am a Vet doctor with experince,doing consultancy in dairy.At present I am in Australia.I will be available from 4th Dec in India.Contact me
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For Large Dairy Cattle & Buffalo Farm Projects Infrastructure .

Dear Mr. Nilesh Chakkar ,

Plz contact us for your large Dairy farm Project in India on Commercial basis under A - Z turnkey project Consultancy services , I am Ph.D. from Punjab and having more than 20 years expertise on Dairy farm / Processing Units / Animal Feed units / Goatry / Poultry sector with other allied projects ..

Dr. D.N.Sarkar - GGDFCS ( Geet Govind Dairy & Farm Consultancy Services ) ,
Project Consultant & Adviser , ::

Hi Experts,

I want to start Dairy Farm Business. Around 500 cows. So please provide me the following details.

1) How much acres of land require???
2) Approximate Cost for this plant .
3) From where can I get finance ? Can I get finance from NABARD under agricularal model .. ???

Please suggest.

Nilesh Chakkar
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give ur contact details

Dear Mr. Nilesh Chakkar ,

Plz contact us for your large Dairy farm Project in India on Commercial basis under A - Z turnkey project Consultancy services , I am Ph.D. from Punjab and having more than 20 years expertise on Dairy farm / Processing Units / Animal Feed units / Goatry / Poultry sector with other allied projects ..

Dr. D.N.Sarkar - GGDFCS ( Geet Govind Dairy & Farm Consultancy Services ) ,
Project Consultant & Adviser , ::

dear sir,

kindly write to us your contact details
thanks and regards,

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Answers to all your queries:-

1 (a)For 500 cows, farm area for dairy farm includind cattle shed, office, servent quarters, feed stores, veterinary clinic, silege pits, etc is around 30,000 square meters or 7.5 acres.
(b) In case you wish to grow 100% green fodder by yourself at your farm additional 60 acres of land is required.

2.Approx. cost of this project with fully automated milking systems (herringbone milking parlor with digital measurement and automatic clustur removal system and aleaning in place) should be around 5.25 crores (it includes total cost of construction, plant and machinery, livestock (Holstein Crossbreed lactating cows with average age of 2.5 to 3 years), working capital and consultants fee etc).

3.Any nationalised bank (SBI, BOB, PNB etc) can finance up to 75% of the total project cost. The rate of interest charged is same as agriculture term loan.
feel free to contact us for any clarification. We are the largest dairy consulting group in India with a legacy of 31 years.

We at Model Dairy Consulting Services provide our clients complete end to end solutions in dairy farming. Our services start right with the conception of idea of an ideal dairy farm fully customized according to the local environment and client needs. We are the only dairy consultants in India which actually own and operate a 250+ cattle breeding Farm with Indian born Pure HF (F6/F7 i.e.92%+ exotic blood level). Our consulting services focus on efficiency as well as efficacy. We assure not only timely completion of project but also on optimum utilization of resources. Our Consultancy Services Include all aspects of dairy farm operations some of which are mentioned below:-
1. Project report preparation (50 lakhs to 100 crores)
2. Developing Standard farm operating procedure and annual business plan
3. Farm layout
4. Manpower planning and solutions
5. Tailor – made Training sessions
6. Sourcing of Livestock
7. Fodder management
8. Computation of feed.
9. Farm mechanization
10. Optimization of operating costs and efficiency ratios
11. Designing of most economical, comfortable and secure cow sheds and other required spaces.
12. Assistance in marketing of livestock after 2 years (even complete buy back arrangement can be worked out for pregnant heifers.)
Salient features of our A-Z Dairy Consulting Services :-
Technical knowhow matched with 30 years of practical experience of owning and running a dairy farm.
Focus on maximizing productive investment and minimizing investment on non productive items.
Selection of plant, machinery and equipments to be need based and not based on whims and fancies.
Alternate designs offered in most fixed investment so as to minimize it.
Guaranteed savings of 15 to 25 % in your project cost.
Guaranteed lucrative returns on investment.
Most economical and rational service charges.
For Trade inquiries or more information kindly visit or contact at:
Model Dairy Farm, Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)
Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
Email: prateekvaish@yahoo.com
Visit us on web at Model Dairy Farm

Hi Experts,

I want to start Dairy Farm Business. Around 500 cows. So please provide me the following details.

1) How much acres of land require???
2) Approximate Cost for this plant .
3) From where can I get finance ? Can I get finance from NABARD under agricularal model .. ???

Please suggest.

Nilesh Chakkar
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Dear Mr. Nilesh Chakkar ,

Plz contact us for your large Dairy farm Project in India on Commercial basis under A - Z turnkey project Consultancy services , I am Ph.D. from Punjab and having more than 20 years expertise on Dairy farm / Processing Units / Animal Feed units / Goatry / Poultry sector with other allied projects ..

Dr. D.N.Sarkar - GGDFCS ( Geet Govind Dairy & Farm Consultancy Services ) ,
Project Consultant & Adviser , ::

Dear Dr. Sarkar
plz send a detail brocure about
ur org or cal @

S. Sarkar
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Regarding response

Dear Mr. S. Sarkar

plz contact me through PM / Mail / Mob.call for your A -Z solutions on Livestock World . We are the Project Development Consultant and providing services for Turnkey projects . Send your contact details and quote your project needs ..We have lands in M.P. with Army marketing structure and we can establish ur dream project in your land area also with large scale farms set up ..Plz mail us
Dr. Dev N Sarkar - GGDFCS ..

Dear Dr. Sarkar
plz send a detail brocure about
ur org or cal @

S. Sarkar
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Hi Nilesh,I provide detailed practical guidence in modern methods of dairy farming.I am a Vet doctor with experince,doing consultancy in dairy.At present I am in Australia.I will be available from 4th Dec in India.Contact me

pls send me ur contact no.and email details

need dairy form information

Hi Nilesh,I provide detailed practical guidence in modern methods of dairy farming.I am a Vet doctor with experince,doing consultancy in dairy.At present I am in Australia.I will be available from 4th Dec in India.Contact me

hai sir i am also intrested in dairy forming i need you cantact details

Dairy farm development

Dear Nilesh,

Greetings from Satya Sai Dairy Farm,

I am happy to inform you about Dairy farm development services offered by Satya Sai Dairy Farm.

Do you want to set up a dairy farm but don't have the time/knowledge to do it yourself ?
then our "Dairy farm development service" is the solution.

Our differentiation is we have transparent operations and low cost to provide you with the maximum benefit.

following are the services we offer:
1. Help you to buy good farm land.
2. set up infrastructure such as irrigation, electricity, farm buildings and storage units.
3. grow fodder crops on the farm land.
4. Buy all the dairy farm equipments like chaff cutter, milking machines etc..
5. arrange labor for the farm
6. Buy Cows
7. Stabilize operations and transfer or maintain the dairy farm for you.

the above services are broadly classified into three categories :
1. Real estate services - help in buying the best farm land
2. Build operate transfer - setting up of full fledged dairy farm on turn key basis
3. build operate maintain - setting up of full fledged dairy farm and manage it.

although we have not handled projects as big as that you are planning we certainly have the capability to deliver on time due to our extended network of people.

These services are now provided near Bangalore, Kolar, Mulbagul districts of karnataka and chittoor district of A.P

however for a large set up we can provide services in other locations as well

For more details on the services offered by us you can mail us at satyasaidairyfarm@gmail.com or call at +91-9743786616

please send a mail with your contact details and a right time to get in touch with you.

Happy farming!!!

Manas Reddy

About US
Satya Sai Dairy farm is a registered firm engaged in farming and dairy activities we are a team of experienced construction contractors, engineers and management professionals who have successfully ventured into agriculture and related industry.

I can help you in technical aspects of dairy farm project. We are 15 years old organization in the field of dairy. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of bulk milk coolers, milking machines, milking parlour and milk cans.
Please send your requirements
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Dear sir,

I want to start mini Dairy Farm Business. Around 10-15 buffallows. So please provide me the following details.

1) How much land require???
2) Approximate Cost for this farm .
3) From where can I get finance ? Can I get finance from NABARD under agricularal model .. ???

Please suggest.


Best HF and Jersery cows available for milking

We have some of the best cows from Punjab region at our farm in Jaipur. Let us know if you are interested in buying few animals. contact us
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