Hi i Want to start dairy as a small unit for 10 buffalo's i have 6 acr agri land with water facility.... as i gain knowledge of this from different farms and from agri information also thankful to this discussion forum even though some people ll say this business will require lot of difficulties and hurdles...i need opinions regarding this whether to proceed are not.......?Kind Regards
Please contact Business Planning & Development Unit of National Institute of Research in Jute & Allied Fibre Technology ( NIRJAFT ),Kolkata.It is a type of Agribusiness Incubation Centre under ICAR ( Indian Council of Agricultural Research ) in Agriculture and Allied Technology.We are committed to offer all kind of support to entrepreneurs interested in Agricultural sector.
As a part of our service we provide technology demonstration,consultancy services,training on selected technologies , bankable project profile writing , facilitation for financial assistance from financial institutions,technical assistance from scientist of ICAR institutes and assisting in marketing of products.
We also provide infrastructure support like office space,communication facilities , pilot plant and laboratory facilities.
For more details please visit
ph.: +919433389579 ,email :