Dairy Farming Project.......Pl. Help.....



New Member
Dear all, I Manish From Rajkot , Gujarat. I want to start a Milk Production Co_Op. Society with my friends. We have decided to start with 20 buffallows. We already have a 10 acre of land with enough water sources. We have some questions as under

1. Which type of buffalows or Crossbrid Cows should we buy for better milk productivity and better fat level ?
2. How much each animal will cost ?
3. What are the best sources for buying such animal near to Rajkot - Gujarat. ?
4. How much food each animal require per day and how much it give milk production ?
5. What will be the cost of food if we need to buy it from open market ?
6. What will be the dry period for a animal in a year ?
7. Up to how much of age , animal can provide milk to us ?
8. How to brid a animal and what will be to cost for the same ?
9. After how many year of age a female-calf can start milking ?
10. What is the price of male-calf if we want to sale it in open market ?
11. What are the basic machine and instruments we required for day-to-day working ? and how much it will costs ?

you can reply ..

Thanks in advance for your help
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Well-Known Member

HF and Jersey are the exotic breeds of cow which yield high. The breeds of buffalo include MUrrah, Surti, Jaffarabadi. Cost depends on the age of the cow or buffalo you intend to buy. YOu can get this information at the animal husbandry department.
Since you have 10 acres of land why dont to start integrated farming or you can cultivate the fodder for your dairy in the same piece of land.



Active Member
Try out http://sites.google.com/site/viveklpm/ for Crossbred Cow Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD guidelines which can be customized as per your needs

Dr. Vivek Patil
Asst. Prof. LPM, Veterinary College, Bidar

Site Moderators please note :This is a livestock extension initiative meant to increase awareness about the economic aspects of dairy farming and aid in project planning by dairy entrepreneurs. It does not involve any business activity.
