Dairy farming near Hyderabad



New Member

I am planning to start a dairy farm with 50 animals near Hyderabad. I am debating very hard on whether to go with cows or buffaloes. My parents do not want cows since many farmers in our area brought cows from punjab, Haryana for high prices and incurred huge loss. I have few question (and many more to come)

1. Cow vs Buffallo (Which one?) - What is the price of good milk yielding Murrah and Cow?
2. Do Murrah buffaloes really give 10+ litres of milk?
3. How to manage cows so that I do not have more dry cows at any period of time

I have many more questions to come :confused:

I want to bring these animals in batches. I am inclining towards free-stall dairy shed (I do believe in animals doing there things). Can anyone share the project report or dairy handbook if you have one?

I am looking at experienced farmers and advisers at agricultureinformation for valuable information.

Thanks in advance


Hello vinay,

Greets for the day and you opted a good busines which requires little vigilance...

Cost of murrah buffalo range from 70k to 90k and govermnt providing 25% subsidy.

Yeld depends on Feeding and caring.If evrthing is fine 10 to 13 ltrs we can expect.

Its better star with 10 to 12 animals and calve the 3 animals in a month, next 3 animals in next month.

If u maintain properly dairy is good business..

Thank u,
Ramesh reddy sama.


New Member
Hi Ramesh,

Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to know more details on the subsidies. Is there limit on how many animals will be subsidized?

Someone else told me the following
Murrah Buffalo's milk capacity is more than 25 Litre a day but it would cost over one lac rupees. Where as same high breed give equal or more milk per day and less costlier.

Does the above statement make sense? I never knew a buffallo could give 25 liters of milk.

Can you please provide me more details on the dairy shed, etc (I want to do a loose house system with the feasibility of delivering feed using tractor so as to minimize labor input)

Any details will really be appreciated



New Member
Hi Padmanaban,

Thanks for your reply. i'm surprised at the statistics that you provided. I see that Mehsana and Banni (both from Gujarat) seem to produce more milk than Murrah. Wherever I see, everyone mentions that Murrah is the high yielding animals.

Is this true that Mehsana and Banni yield more? What would be the price for these and will they sustain the hot temperatures around Hyderabad?



Senior Member
The stats is got from the Govt of India website which I have provided as a reference at the end of the blog. If you want to know more details about the breeds and other characteristics, I suggest you get into the links provided to satisfy your questions.

Padmanabhan Ganesan
Agriculture for Everybody

I am looking for genuine Investment Partner

I am looking for genuine Investment Partner .
I have Fully Functional Dairy Farm Long term leased at Shameerpet, RRdist,Hyderabad .Telangana Satate. India.
12.7 Acre Field with 4 Bore wells, Field with fully grown and established CO3 Grass, Miracle Grass and BHN10 Grass also.
2 Sheds with capacity of 100 Cows/Buffaloes, Storage Shed for Fodder etc can hold upto 4 lorry loads of Feed, Grass Chaffing Machine.
AI Tanks Labour Qrts for 5 Couples, Office etc.
Invest in our dairy,sheep and goat farms we want to extend our farms as well as to share profit to others (get back your capital amount in a couple of months with zero investment get your profit every month... to know full details regarding this investment).

Total investment :- 40,00,000/-Rs

Bufflos :-50Nos (75000/Rs- Each +or- 5000/-Rs)
Milk :- 600 Leters (12Each Bufflo +or- 1 leter)
Per Leter(Per Day) :- 38Rs(600 leters*38Rs-22,800Rs +or- 1800Rs)
Per Day Incom :- 21,000Rs ( 30 Days 6,30,000Rs)
Per Month Incom :- 6,30,000Rs


Labour Payement :- 60,000Rs (per Month)
Feed :- 1,75,000 (Per Month)
Maintenance :- 25,000Rs (Per Month)
Total :- 2,60,000Rs(Per Month)


Milk Incom Per Month :- 6,30,000/-Rs
Total Payements Monthly :- 2,60,000/-Rs
Balance :- 3,70,000/-Rs
Re Investment Monthly :- 2,70,000/-Rs (we by a anmels 3 or 4 per month)
Our Incom up to 20 Months :- 1,00,000/-Rs (Sharing The income)


Re Investment Monthly :-2,70,000/-Rs (we by a anmels 3 or 4 per month)up to 20months.

Our proprety(anmels)increased up to 70+anemels after 20 month after no forother investment. (70+50=120+ nos Anmels Value 75,00,000/-Rs + aprox)
Get back our capital amount from 20thmonth to 30th mounth (every month 3,70,000/-Rs 10months) ...
After geting tha captil with zero investment get your profit every month...
(Amount and Anmels allso equle share)

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