Dairy Farming in Karnataka

Yes, definitely you can start with 25 cows in 5 acre land with fodder, animal housing system and other utilities.
Definitely it will fetch you to start with small no. The capital investment for 25 cows would be about 16-20 lakhs (including housing, minimum farm machineries and cows).
For farm plan and designs you can contact me

Parameshwar Hegde
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We badly need it....

We (3 thick friends) are planning a dairy farm with atleast 10 cows at Alappuzha. Any body can share your experience with us. Any experts who can guide us, always welcome. As a budding youngsters with somany fresh ideas,we are happy to share those with our wellwishers. Our contact no. SREEKANTH CK,
please contact....
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Salt Lick

Star Lick provide minerals for the individual need of your animal.The productivity of ruminant animals such as cattle, buffaloes and goats is severely constrained by poor mineral nutrition which restrict growth and reproductive rates, and contribute to a high economic loss in flocks and herds. One very effective method that addresses mineral deficiency is mineral block.

Salt, minerals both are indispensable for good health and high productivity. Each animal has an individual salt and mineral requirement, which is dependent on large number of factors: body weight and growth rate, age, pregnancy, lactation phase and milk yield, perspiration and performance. A mineral deficiency manifests itself in a loss of appetite, weight loss, decrease in milk yield, breeding problem, reduced growth and a decline in natural resistance. Some animals even start licking the walls due to decline of good taste.

The normal ration –compound feed and roughage – fulfills the general needs of the animals, whereas mineralised salt licks fulfill the individual need for salts and minerals. Animal licks these blocks as per its body demand.

Dosage and administration

Free Choice

Packaging and presentation
2 kg lick

Shelf Life
2 Years from date of Manufacture

Contact detail
Star animal Nutrition
please contact...
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Even I wish to start

Hi Friends, even I wish to start this.. please guide me or let me know if anyone is already doing the farming so that I can visit the farm and get a exact picture of it.


To start a new farm

Yes, definitely you can start with 25 cows in 5 acre land with fodder, animal housing system and other utilities.
Definitely it will fetch you to start with small no. The capital investment for 25 cows would be about 16-20 lakhs (including housing, minimum farm machineries and cows).
For farm plan and designs you can contact me

Parameshwar Hegde

I am Working in Saudi Arabia Iam Planig to came back Karnataka and start a farm with 10 to 15 Cows can you gide me.
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Hi Timmanna,

This is Timmana Gouda from Bangalore. Please share your contact details. I am interested in Organic Farming. Please give me your contact....

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I have 5+ Acres land with 4 HF,

Please share your contact details. I am interested in Organic Farming. Please contact....
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First step to Dairy Farming - Plan for big start with small

Hello Guys ,

Let me introduce myself first. My name vinay and I'm software engineer. Software Engineering is not my dream, i want to a entrepreneur in dairy farming.
YES you may ask me lot of question regarding this.... :-)
I'm from middle class family following dream is not so easy but now i think it is time for me to follow my dream....

I'm still in process a planning stage for WHY, where, how to start the work
WHY to start, i have a answer - I want to be a entrepreneur in dairy farming, i am passion about it...
Where - no idea ??????
How -- no idea ??????

BUt friends this is not easy i know, but same time it is not impossible as well.

I don't know whether, i'm here to make money. my focus is following my dream that's all, passion makes me follow this.

Let we all try to share information in best way.

My present plan is to buy a 2 acres of land in Karnataka.


Hello All

I am an NRI and I would like to start a Dairy Farming project(being my dream) in Mysore,Karnataka. I have 5 Acres of Land which is very close to the city with good roads. Water and electricity is available. Can someone let me know if I can start a project with 20 to 30 cattle,with a decent budget. Appreciate your help.

Kind Reagrds

Hi Mr. Shankar,
Great to know you thoughts, i am also looking in same lines in Mysore itself, in my view in 5 acres having 20 to 30 cattle will really work, about budget my 2 cents.

If you want to go with conventional method (Traditional method) like cleaning and milking manual that may work within the budget

If you want to go with additional Cleaning machinery and milking machines, to be more hygienic this may cost bit high.


Hello Guys ,

Let me introduce myself first. My name vinay and I'm software engineer. Software Engineering is not my dream, i want to a entrepreneur in dairy farming.
YES you may ask me lot of question regarding this.... :-)
I'm from middle class family following dream is not so easy but now i think it is time for me to follow my dream....

I'm still in process a planning stage for WHY, where, how to start the work
WHY to start, i have a answer - I want to be a entrepreneur in dairy farming, i am passion about it...
Where - no idea ??????
How -- no idea ??????

BUt friends this is not easy i know, but same time it is not impossible as well.

I don't know whether, i'm here to make money. my focus is following my dream that's all, passion makes me follow this.

Let we all try to share information in best way.

My present plan is to buy a 2 acres of land in Karnataka.


Dear Vinay,

Congratulations for deciding to be an entrepreneur. I wish you good luck.

If you wish to learn and know more about this thing. Kindly go through my posts and then contact me if you find it useful for dairy farm.

Thank you

We at Model Dairy Consulting Services provide our clients complete end to end solutions in dairy farming. Our services start right with the conception of idea of an ideal dairy farm fully customized according to the local environment and client needs. We are the only dairy consultants in India which actually own and operate a 250 cowcattle breeding Farm with HF , jersey and crossbreeds. Our consulting services focus on efficiency as well as efficacy. We assure not only timely completion of project but also on optimum utilization of resources. Our Consultancy Services Include all aspects of dairy farm operations some of which are mentioned below:-
1. Project report preparation (50 lakhs to 50 crores)
2. Developing Standard farm operating procedure and annual business plan
3. Farm layout
4. Manpower planning and solutions
5. Tailor – made Training sessions
6. Sourcing of Livestock
7. Fodder management
8. Computation of feed.
9. Farm mechanization
10. Optimization of operating costs and efficiency ratios
11. Designing of most economical, comfortable and secure cow sheds and other required spaces.
12. Assistance in marketing of livestock after 2 years (even complete buy back arrangement can be worked out for pregnant heifers.)
Salient features of our A-Z Dairy Consulting Services :-
Technical knowhow matched with 30 years of practical experience of owning and running a dairy farm.
Focus on maximizing productive investment and minimizing investment on non productive items.
Selection of plant, machinery and equipments to be need based and not based on whims and fancies.
Alternate designs offered in most fixed investment so as to minimize it.
Guaranteed savings of 15 to 25 % in your project cost.
Guaranteed lucrative returns on investment.
Most economical and rational service charges.
You may ask for a sample draft project report for a 30 cow farm at prateekvaish@yahoo.com

Thanks and regards,
Prateek Vaish
Vice President Operations
Model Dairy Farm, Naramau, G.T.Road, Kanpur-209217
Phone : 09936286478
Email: prateekvaish@yahoo.com

This is ravindra from hyderabad i do trade and supplies cattle feed from andhra pradesh, further details pl contact with me.

Ravindra J

Dear Mr.Vinay,

My name is Ravindra from Hyderabad i do trading and supplies cattle feed from Andhra Pradesh, for further details pl contact me.

Ravindra J

Dear Mr.Shankar

My name is Ravindra from Hyderabad i do trading and supplies cattle feed from Andhra Pradesh, for further details pl contact me.

Ravindra J

My name is Ravindra from Hyderabad i do trading and supplies cattle feed from Andhra Pradesh, for further details pl contact me.

Ravindra J
