dairy farm


Hello Sir
U may pls contact
Central Cattle Breeding Farm
Director, CCBF, Suratgarh,
P.O. Bhagwandar
Distt Sriganganagar-335804,
Tel. No. 01509 268091(O), 268090(R).
01509 - 20091

Dear Swati Chauhan , Greetings ...

We can establish your Farm Dairy Project at your own Agro – Commercial land area and with Complete infrastructure for Farm sector based on Productive herd , shed design and construction , bio gas and waste recycling management , milking parlor , Milking machines , vaccines , dairy lab equipments , medicines , productive and reproductive technologies , Vety. Clinic set up , cooling equipments , dairy farm sanitizers , nutrition for productive animals , routine shed + milking + feeding + breeding + milk process section management , Cattle Feed Unit , Manpower management with HY Dairy Cows & Buffaloes , etc…

Plz contact us with confidence for your entire project.. Send me mail to: sarkar41419@gmail.com

I want to biuy good breeds of cow and buffal lo in rajasthan kindly suggest appropriate institution or organisation

For Dairy Cattle & Buffalo Farm Projects & Nutritional Infrastructure .

Dear Swati Chauhan , Greetings ...

We can establish your Farm Dairy Project at your own Agro – Commercial land area and with Complete infrastructure for Farm sector based on Productive herd , shed design and construction , bio gas and waste recycling management , milking parlor , Milking machines , vaccines , dairy lab equipments , medicines , productive and reproductive technologies , Vety. Clinic set up , cooling equipments , dairy farm sanitizers , nutrition for productive animals , routine shed + milking + feeding + breeding + milk process section management , Cattle Feed Unit , Manpower management with HY Dairy Cows & Buffaloes , etc…

Plz contact us with confidence for your entire project.. Send me mail to: sarkar41419@gmail.com

I want to biuy good breeds of cow and buffal lo in rajasthan kindly suggest appropriate institution or organisation
