Dairy Farm - Indian indigenous Breed



Dear Advisors/Members,
I am Shridhar from Tamil Nadu (Sivagangai District) , I was interested to start the small Diary farm (10 Cows) in my Home Town Sivagangai District. While verifying I came to know that the best breed in India is Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Gir-is tick-resistant, heat-tolerant and has high resistance.

Please advice whether,
1. It is suitable for South Tamil Nadu ?
2. what shall be the cost/Milk yielding capacity of per cow ? Please mention below
=> Sahiwal =>
=> Tharparkar =>
=> Gir =>
3. It is suitable for stall feed method ?
3. Whether these varieties shall be procured in Tamil Nadu or from Other state ?
4. If it is other state what shall be Legal procedure to avoid any litigation.
Note : Suggestions been appreciated for pure indigenous breed.

Warm regards,

Dear Advisors/Members,
I am Shridhar from Tamil Nadu (Sivagangai District) , I was interested to start the small Diary farm (10 Cows) in my Home Town Sivagangai District. While verifying I came to know that the best breed in India is Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Gir-is tick-resistant, heat-tolerant and has high resistance.

Please advice whether,
1. It is suitable for South Tamil Nadu ?
2. what shall be the cost/Milk yielding capacity of per cow ? Please mention below
=> Sahiwal =>
=> Tharparkar =>
=> Gir =>
3. It is suitable for stall feed method ?
3. Whether these varieties shall be procured in Tamil Nadu or from Other state ?
4. If it is other state what shall be Legal procedure to avoid any litigation.
Note : Suggestions been appreciated for pure indigenous breed.

Warm regards,
Dear Mr, Sridhar,

Mr. Mukundan of Chengalpattu has a Tharparkar dairy farm with more than 40 nos. He may be able to guide you. You can source calves from him, if he is willing to sell. He purchased his original stock from Rajasthan. Cows need grazing field; stall methid has not been tried to the best of my knowledge. You need to grow different varieties of grass / trees for the cows. In addition you need paddy straw.

There are many brokers in TN who can act for you and go to Rajasthan and get you GIR/SAHIWAL/THARPARKAR. They will take care of all procedure for transportation. As 10 cows/calves cannot be economically transported by lorry, it is advisable to go through some brokers; they will pool the requirement from various buyers and bring one lorry load of cows with calves.

Best wishes for agri & dairy farming

PS: Being a directot of a company away from home town, how do you plan to do farming? I am not dicouraging you, but be aware good & reliable workers/supervisors are scarce.

Hello sir

u can go for Sahiwal cow it gives average 2270kg of milk during lactation while suckling a calf and much higher milk yields thereafter.
They are generally docile and lethargic, making them more useful for slow work.

the desirable characters of sahiwal are
High milk yielder
Tick and parasite resistance
Heat tolerant
Ease of calving
Longevity, reproducing for upto 20yrs
Drought resistant
Bloat tolerant
Good temperament

for more details contact
Professor & Head,
Department of Animal Husbandry
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore - 641 003.
Ph: 0422-6611212

sir those are very good yueld for milk campare to HF 7 jERSY, They are audjusted to indian climate and one more breed is their devani its al so good to audjust weather is hot are cold,


Dear Advisors/Members,
I am Shridhar from Tamil Nadu (Sivagangai District) , I was interested to start the small Diary farm (10 Cows) in my Home Town Sivagangai District. While verifying I came to know that the best breed in India is Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Gir-is tick-resistant, heat-tolerant and has high resistance.

Please advice whether,
1. It is suitable for South Tamil Nadu ?
2. what shall be the cost/Milk yielding capacity of per cow ? Please mention below
=> Sahiwal =>
=> Tharparkar =>
=> Gir =>
3. It is suitable for stall feed method ?
3. Whether these varieties shall be procured in Tamil Nadu or from Other state ?
4. If it is other state what shall be Legal procedure to avoid any litigation.
Note : Suggestions been appreciated for pure indigenous breed.

Warm regards,
Dear Mr.Sridhar,

1. Any breed will be suitable provided you house them properly, do temperature control activities, plant shade giving trees around the shed, give/provide water in front of the cow always.
2. The breeds mentioned here are from Maharashtra, Gujarat belt and its very difficult to find reliable suppliers here. Better to source these from there itself.
3. Stall fed/ Tied up system will work for any breed. You must give enough greens, free access to water, dry fodder, cattle feed either good brand or conventional mix of brans and cakes.
4. Procurement from south India very difficult.
5. No legal procedures. To avoid problems in check post, better collect a declaration letter from the seller, having his signature over revenue stamp with a copy of his identification card(election id card ), driving license, milk society membership card, stating that he had sold so many cows to so and so for Rs…………/- . That is enough for transportation.
6. It’s a new trend seen sourcing for indigenous breeds like Gir,Sahiwal,Tharparkar etc. They are good cows with better immunity than Foreign breeds with better fat percentage in milk. Indian GIR Cow is a hit in Brazil.Good luck!!.

Murali Krishnan
