dairy farm gadgets

hi can any one tell me about the GPRS gadgets for the cows.i read that all the data about the cows can be stored in it.are these gadgets available in india.


its Rfid system in which cow will be be tied a band in its leg.then we can get all the informations about the cow..we need a software also to update all the inforamation about the cow


Senior Member

Dear sir,

have u found any details of the same. if u got any details please communicate to us on maruthidairy09atyahoodotin ,since we are also interested on the same.

thanks and regards,


hi can any one tell me about the GPRS gadgets for the cows.i read that all the data about the cows can be stored in it.are these gadgets available in india.
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Active Member
How RF id works and how far useful?

RFID is (Remote Frequency Identification) a Device.

It is Tag, which contains/covered/molded with a chip set. This chip set has a preprogrammed (recorded) identification number like 12345. This recorded number can be changed by using another device depends upon your requirement. How the RF Id works? RF Id Tag alone will not work. This id has integrated with other components as follows:

RF Antenna ----> RF Receiver -----> RF Tag ----> Computer ---->Database.

Every RF Tag ID has a frequency (limited wavelength)

For Example, in a dairy there will be following action points:-

Starting point: Cow exit from the shed
Cow enters into washing area
Cow exit from washing area
Cow enters into Milking parlor
Cow exit from Milking parlor
Cow enters into Feeding area
Cow exit from Feeding area
Ending point: Cow enters into the shed

An antenna to be fixed on the above said each point. When a cow crossing any one of the above point. The antenna observes the frequency from RF id chip set and sends the signal to receiver with time stamp. Then the receiver receives the signal and sending the identification number to the computer and computer sends the data (id number) to database. Database stores the data.

If a cow has a RF Tag, we can find out the events occurred.

How long the cow spend at washing area
How long the cow stayed at milking parlor
How long the cow stayed at feeding area

Mainly the RF tag is very useful in milking parlor and feeding areas. A dairy holding 500 or 1000 milking cows. As a routine, all cows are entering into milking parlor and after 8-10 minutes exit from the parlor. On a date, dry period starts for some of the cows. Dairy operator fixed the dry date for a cow and record on database at calving time.

Suppose a cow reached the dry date and trying to enter into parlor, what will happen?

A cow reaching the parlor entrance gate, the RF id sends the signal to antenna, then antenna sends the signal to receiver, receiver send the signal to computer and computer has a software application to check the dry date of that cow. If the dry date is true then the computer sends the signal to parlor entrance gate (not to open). The other gate opens for that dry cow to exit from the parlor and closes immediately. If not dry date is false then the parlor gate open.

Amanullah Ag.


Senior Member
Contact GEA Westfalia surge or Delaval. both these companys are providing such solutions. These system work as integrated units i.e. proper software and hardware integration (milking parlor, feed station etc).


Active Member
Dear Mktvm

I am planning to implement this system in my dairy farm. I have pneumatic, electrical & electronis guys. My plus point is, I am a software engr and going towards PLC. Developing a sophisticated dairy management software package. We can get lots of features and statistical reports, if we use this rf id technology.

Amanullah Ag.


Active Member
Rf id

Hi all,

Rf id integrations are available in local market. But we have to provide the ideas to PLC engrs that what we need and how we need. It is very simple technology. No need to go for europian tech. We can do ourself.

Amanullah Ag
