dairy farm bank loan



I have 3.25 accers and 1.5 accers cost is 17 laks and 1.75 accers cost is 14 laks then how much loan I expect from india overseas bank please give me ur valuable information it great help to me


You can avail loan from any nationalised bank and get endorsement from NABARD for subsidy. There is project report availabe for Dairy Farm

Milking machines are available on subsidy only in perticular districts. You will have to check with your local milk federation.

Milking machines ranges from 15K to 45K. Depending on the complexity of construction.
I suggest you to go for Electric cum hand operated( you have to pump the handle like a spraying machine.)

Brother before aquirng knowledge about milking machine you better aquire knowldege on Cattle fodder.
This is where many people dent their pockets and spread message that dairy farming is risky.

so make a strong plan on fodder cultivation.


Make a note that there is a lot of difference between the Market value of Land & Government value of the Land. Market value is the rate at which usually the deals happen in real. Govt rate is the rate which the government decides for that place.

For example, in a commercial area of a city, a Square yard might be around Rs.50,000 in the market. But in the Govt records it will be somewhere around 30,000 - 35,000 only. You can get this value if you apply for VALUATION CERTIFICATE with the concerned Revenue Office.

Banks do consider only the Government value but not the Market value. Hence, there will be a lot of difference between the Loan you expect and the Loan a Banker considers taking this as Collateral.

Also, do make a note that Banks just don't see the value of property alone while deciding the loan amount. They will also look into your capacity of paying monthly installments. For instance, one cannot expect a loan of even 10 lakhs on property worth 1 Crore if his IT returns are under 3 lakhs. Whereas, if the same person's IT returns are above 5-7 lakhs, he can expect a loan of 20 lakhs on property worth just 40-50 lakhs.

For this, your IT returns and banking records play a crucial role. Especially your track record of loan repayments, if taken any earlier.

Hoping I did not confuse or scare you.

All the Best,
